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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. Have you looked at BPS to see what they have to offer?
  2. I had them for a few years. They are OK. What reserve capacity and group size are they carrying?
  3. That is so you can overlay downscan on the 2 d sonar which is basically useless. I ran it that way for 3 days and got rid of it. I don't know anyone who uses that function.
  4. That money probably puts you into an aluminum with a 40 hp or so.
  5. By mixing greases that means different types. Just use a general all around grease that is designed for trailer bearings. Then it doesn't matter.
  6. When I repack my bearings I load all the grease that I can into the cavity. Then I install my buddy hub and fill it till the blue ring shows. I take a grease gun with me to the lake and pump more before I launch as the grease spins to the outside as I drive. When I get home I put more in. This process can take up to 200 miles as it is 50 miles each way to the lake and back.
  7. I think head colors are mainly in the fisherman's head. I fished for years with no paint on the heads at all. It wasn't until boat docks started buying my jigs that I ever started painting the heads.
  8. I'm sure that they will. I use 2/0 quite a bit and they do just fine.
  9. A friend of mine kept a 16' jon floating for over 20 years with JB Weld. Once you put it on a clean spot and let it setup for 24 hours it is apt to stay on forever.
  10. I used to sell them and have tied many thousands. If you have specific questions I'll do my best to answer them. It would help to know a bit about you equipment as what you have will make a difference in what and how you do.
  11. I have done it but prefer the split rings.
  12. Jig Man

    Weed Guard

    I glue mine in with superglue gel and have never had one come out. I put mine in last. It is way easier to do all the other work to jigs (painting, putting on eyes and skirts) without having the weedguard in the way.
  13. Typically when a boat goes into consignment it is looked over by the dealership and the motor checked out as well. Ask if that was done before it was consigned. If it was ask to see the records.
  14. Stored for the winter can be a bad thing. Fluid cells need to be charged monthly. They may be totally dead and ruined by spring.
  15. I also have hydraulic steering. I have a small leak that can't be found. I bought a quart of the recommended fluid several years ago. I only have to add a few tablespoons full a couple of time a year and mine works fine. I say go buy the right stuff and then you won't have to worry.
  16. I think you need to find some who knows what to look for and have them take a look at what you have and how it is rigged up. The traditional method would be 2 batteries for the trolling motor and 1 for cranking the outboard and running accessories.
  17. You might go to www.tackleunderground.com and check the for sale section. A couple of years ago I sold several on that site.
  18. That should be enough to last you a couple of lifetimes.
  19. I bought mine from Cadman.
  20. I reread it and it is hard to say since multiple batteries were mentioned with no info on the tmotor. He needs to come back and give us more info about the setup.
  21. If his cranking battery is dropping that low then you should buy him a good one with lots of CCA. If you want to spend some bucks get the Sears PM1. I run 2 hds low units, 2 lss 1 boxes and areator all day long. I have an Optimax motor which takes several turn overs to start. My Sears agm does an awesome job for me.
  22. You should be able to run your outboard with a 24 series battery with 600 CCAs or there abouts. As for the trolling motor, 12 V trolling motors pull more amps than 24 or 36 V so you need to concern yourself with reserve capacity (sometimes called reserve amps). Get as close to 200 reserve capacity as you can find in your price range.
  23. I throw the rig on a dedicated setup; a 6.5' H rod, a Curado 6.3:1 reel and 50# Power Pro braid. I fish it in all clear to dingy water. I fish it at various depths. I like to crank, pause, let it drop and crank again. Last time out I caught fish right on the bottom in 17 fow. With the 50# braid I can wrap the line around a boat cleat and pull it loose if it is really hung up. Since we also can only have 3 baits with hooks. I run small blades on the other wires. I make my own so I usually carry 10 different ones. I use several different colors and shapes of blades depending on what gets a bite. Right now I'm iced in but hoping to get out and toss it in a very few days. It is a lot of fun and sometimes the bite will nearly jerk the rod out of your hand.
  24. Cablea's guide wear didn't fit right so I bought BPS 100 mph gortex and haven't looked back.
  25. Look up Stay in Charge. It will charge your batteries while you are motoring during the day and top them off on the way to and from the storage shed using your tow vehicle charging system.
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