NADA will give you an average retail value if you list all of the components on the unit. Be sure to check and see if the motor and or trailer are listed or if they are separate.
If you are looking aluminum decide what you want to have as far as storage, t motor, and cranker. Don't just jump on the first thing that comes along or you'll be sorry in a little while. Most Trackers are made for first time buyers and are way under powered both with tmotor and crankers.
If you leave it on you are draining your cranking battery. Just trace the wires from the lss box and the ones from the hds and move the lss power wires to the hds connection. It isn't a hard fix and it needs to be done.
1. That is not normal. Check the wiring. It will only read as long as the lss ducer is in the water. Where is it mounted?
2. Press the sonar page but don't go into sonar. You should be able to add overlay data so that it will show up on the sonar screen.
1. Check to be sure you have a ducer with a temp probe on it.
Set sens in the mid 80s on the 520 then adjust to suit the conditions.
I run my hds at -1.
I have done everything from trying to teach them to ignoring them. Mostly I have found that they lacked the skills to catch fish the way I was doing it.
I find that a lot when I take guys who don't go often and just can't quite get the presentation down.
I went to the Bass Pro Catalog Outlet store and bought a bunch for $2 each a few years ago. You can try them. The number is 1-417-887-7334 ask for Bob in the outlet store reel counter. He may be able to help you out.
Cadman is the multiple color King. I'm sure if you pm him he will give you lots of tips on how he does the brush tap method. Some of his have as many as 8 colors.
I can only guess at the speed but I'd say in the mid to upper 30s if it is propped correctly. I'm basing that on the fact that one of the guys I sometimes fish with has a 17.5 nitro with a 90 merc. It runs in the upper 30s. Another guy has an 18.5 skeeter with a 115 yammy. It runs in the upper 30s.
I have a bait that I call a do nothing because it has no action except for what I give it. I make them in brass tubes that I buy at the local hardware store. I have 24 of them set up at a time and before I begin adding the plastisol, I give each a quick shot of WD-40. I let them set up for a while then I push them out with a rod that just fits the inside diameter of the tubes. Some times I use cooking oil bit it is way harder to use than WD.
If you learn to fish with your foot on the pedal (not the on button) you will always be ready for minute adjustments to keep the boat properly set. Also learn to use your left foot when fishing out the right side of the boat and vice versa.
I use 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 oz jigs. The 1/8 and 1/4 I mostly swim. For "normal" jig fishing I let wind and water depth help me decide. However, a 1 oz jig can really stir up the bottom in shallow water and produce some really solid strikes on occasion.
Jigs can be made in any color that you want. White, white/chartreuse, silver, and red jigs have been very productive for me on lots of occasions. Don't let the norm dictate what you want to use. Sometimes that bait they have never seen before will really score.
Deep cycle batteries need lots of reserve amps. 200 or more is what I'd want.
I looked up the Everstart at Wallys and could not find any mention of reserve capacity.
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