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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I have gotten lead from recycle facilities, guys who remodel hospitals, Dr. and dentist offices and home remodelers. I got a couple of 4x8 sheets from a hospital radiology remodel. You just have to look around.
  2. I believe that is an oxymoron. I haven't even seen a reliable digital scale no matter what the price.
  3. You also might factor in the barometric pressure. Those mile high skies tend to have high pressure and that is usually not a good thing either.
  4. I don't watch fishing shows because I don't find much relevant info on them just a lot of high fiving over and over. I use my own and partners' methods.
  5. I wouldn't put either in until I poured a few. As for adding new stuff, I don't do it very often. When I recycle I know I am bound to wind up with green, brown, or black. After melting I may add some plastisol if I want a lighter shade.
  6. If you have a Harbor Freight Sales in your area you can get an infrared thermometer for around 25 bones.
  7. Spinnerbaits for me.
  8. That motor is supposed to draw 30 amps/hr at full throttle.
  9. The recessed pedal allows one to stand with both feet close to level. That takes a lot of pressure off the back. If you fish many hours you would soon learn to appreciate it. You don't need to twist your body to make casts to the side just set up at an angle. If you don't have a recessed pedal you should at least had yours screwed down.
  10. I get mine from Bear's. The last I bought was $75 for a 2.5 gallon jug. If you buy from him be sure to get a pair of his gloves. They are the best I have ever used. Heat stabilizer is to help keep you baits from scorching when you reheat. This is especially important when doing light colors. What are you using for a heat source?
  11. If you want him to get into it for the long term buy him a good quality reel what ever brand you choose. Don't get some cheapo that will not be reliable. I gave my grandson some money and took him to BPS and let him pick out his own reel. That was 15 years ago and it is still going strong.
  12. One of our pro staffers was sponsored by them several years ago. They never caught on around here.
  13. Yes it keeps it from spinning like backing. It is just more expensive that way.
  14. Most of my larger jig fish come from 15-30' deep. I fish open clear water where flipping and pitching don't really work for me. When I am targeting large fish, I set the boat deep (sometimes 50 fow) and use large jigs with large craws as trailers fishing deep cover or bluff ends.
  15. You can use one anytime. My favorite time is at night.
  16. I had one come loose. I know a chemist from Loctite. He fixed me up with all kinds of stuff some of which wasn't even on the market yet. NONE OF IT WORKED. I had to pull the old one off and start all over.
  17. It looks like what we call a green sunfish.
  18. Oh some of us have it very very close if not exact.
  19. I have 2 kinds: the solid ones from BPS and the mesh ones from BPS. I use them in the rod locker and when I am going with someone else. In my boat I take them off when I use a rod, put them in the locker and put them back on at the end of the trip. With others, I take them off and leave them in the tow vehicle until we are done.
  20. I hand pour mine. I like it better than injecting. I use a microwave $30. I gave $55 for the mold. I use Nor Por silicone cups about $7 each. So not counting plastisol, glitter and colorant I have less than $100 in them. I give $30/gallon for plastisol.
  21. If your battery doesn't have the reserve capacity plainly printed on it DON'T BUY IT. Get one that does. If you buy a used one just be sure that it works before you fork over the cash. It doesn't hurt to run one in the air so hook it up and run it through its speeds.
  22. Your battery will give you a longer time on the water if you get one with lots of reserve capacity. The more rc you have the heavier it will be as the series size will change from 24 to 27-29-31. You may be able to get by with a 24 series if you don't fish for very long at a time. If I were doing it I'd look for a 27 series with 180 or more reserve amps (rc). If you are going to be lugging it around and carrying it in your vehicle, a sealed one will be safer. If you don't mind spending the bucks and want a lighter one then the Optimas are quite a bit lighter but cost more than 2X as much as a lead acid. What ever you choose just be sure that you are getting a marine battery designed for a trolling motor and not a cranking battery designed to start engines.
  23. I'm sure Cadman or Mike at Seibert Outdoors would make them w/o the guard and you wouldn't have to bother. I put wg on most of my jigs except the swim bucktails. You must have a lot of open water.
  24. When I concentrate on big fish I use large jigs with large craws as trailers. I fish bluff ends and deep brush. Most of the time the boat is over 50 fow and I'm fishing down to 30-35'. In the spring after the spawn the Zara Spook is a good big bass bait.
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