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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. All of the skirt color choices is personal preference. No one besides you can choose what color of tabs partial or full and how many to use. There is a good jig maker who calls himself smalljaw and had lots of helpful videos. You may want to look at some of them.
  2. You have a bunch of questions maybe too many for one thread. I wouldn’t get more than 3 or 4 basic colors to start. You can always order more later if you decide to do this long term. I bought a bunch of their stuff a few years ago. Some of it has never been opened let alone used. Cadman has given you some good advice. He knows what he is talking about. Now I have questions for you. Are you making or buying your jigs? What style of jigs are you going to use?
  3. As I remember maybe a couple of hundred pounds. I had to clean the glue off the back and melt it outside with my fish cooker because of the fumes then skim and double flux before using it to pour, but it made a few thousand jigs and it was free.
  4. I have that same bag. I use it when going with a friend. The 3700 boxes will go in flat and I can get 2 3600 boxes in the front pocket.
  5. I was lucky a few years ago and acquired 70# of printers lead. It contains antimony and makes my pours harder than plumbers lead. I add a little bit of it in with my regular lead. I’ve also been fortunate enough to have several people give me soft lead from time to time. I probably have at least 100# of it. I got a 4x8 sheet of X-ray lead from a friend who did hospital remodels.
  6. I use 26 ga copper floral wire. If you want to save more money you can use skirt tabs and wire.
  7. You might want to check them for zinc because it is harder to use and has been known to damage Lee pots.
  8. Bass Pro has a big one that holds 7 3700 boxes. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-elite-3700-tackle-bag
  9. I just have my wife walk it off down the street, cut it at the backing, go to her, retie to the backing and wind it back on.
  10. If you could keep it on the water a very small pontoon might work.
  11. I use the fg knot and usually have a few inches of braid tag that gets cut off.
  12. False. I put some “dirt” in with “the deal” and wound up with a “dirty deal”.
  13. Have you tried Tackle Warehouse?
  14. Boat control keeping my guest and myself in the correct position.
  15. What ever you wind up doing be sure that you get compatible equipment. That can save you hundreds of dollars later on. Get electronics that are Ethernet capable, Garmin, Hummingbird, Lowrance (what you like best). Get a trolling motor that at least has spot lock and don’t scrimp on the power. Most trolling motors don’t do well over time if run distances on high. If I were doing what you are I would start with the gps/sonar brand that I like then get the rest of the stuff that works with it.
  16. 3 questions: #1 how long have you had it, #2 what pound test is it and #3 how many cast did you make before the incident?
  17. What helps me is a lower gear ratio reel. I keep some 5:1 reels just for this.
  18. I kind of know where you have been jb. My daughter is in chemo right now with aggressive breast cancer. Congrats to your survivor wife.
  19. Elaztech (Zman baits) reacts to polyvinyl chloride (pvc) which is what most of our plastic baits and storage boxes are made from.
  20. I like and use cables. I also cross them to keep the tongue up in case of an emergency.
  21. https://www.keitechusa.com/keitech-swimbaits/keitech-swing-impact-fat/keitech-fat-swing-impact-3.3/keitech-fat-swing-impact-3.3-electric-blue-chartreuse.html
  22. The weight of them might be significant with that boat. I had Power Poles for a while. They were more of a problem than a help so I sold them. With spot lock they aren’t necessary. I held in 20 mph wind yesterday with spot lock and with the jog feature was able to quickly change positions.
  23. I think you will enjoy that boat. I had a 180 for several years. It was a good solid boat.
  24. The bac rac is still available. I bought one of the original models for guests and it gets used every week. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Bac_Rac_Rod_Rack/descpage-BACRACK.html
  25. The rod locker idea would give you good storage and a much larger fishing deck.
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