My only regret with my Hobie Outback is that I didn’t buy it sooner. I agree with Choporoz, having the peddle drive and rudder allows you to fish more since you won’t need the paddle to maintain position in wind, current etc. My OB has the 180 drive which I use a ton in freshwater. Not as much in salt. I think reverse is a big plus. I take my kayak into some very weedy areas and the mirage drive handles it well. If I’m fishing the heavy slop I’ll pull the drive and rudder and go to the paddle. Small price to pay for being a hollow body frog lover. Peddle drive is huge when moving from spot to spot. The Old Town boats are really giving Hobie a run for their money and with a lifetime warranty on the hull,5 years on the PDL drive. They’re worth a look. Most dealers have demo days. See if you can take one out otw. If you have the $$ for a peddle drive, my advice would be to buy one. The pros outweigh the cons and you won’t regret it.