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  1. I have a spinning reel and can't figure out what the cnr option does? So theres on (flip the switch left). Off is the anti reverse then there's another option that says cnr?? I don't notice any diference from when I have it on anti reverse or cnr. Anyone know what this option does?
  2. I live in utah and just started bass fishing last year. Anyone live around hear have any favorite lures they like to throw? I know they say match the hatch so I try to match my crankbait colors and other lures with yellow perch, walleye and trout.. Baitfish that are around this area. Any tips?
  3. My bad I meant to say mono leader ha.. Sounds like most of you just go straight braid and don't use a leader. Have any of you noticed it spooking the fish? Are you fishing clear or muddy water?
  4. So I just got into bass fishing and don't use swivels. My question is if I have braid on my real with a florocarbon leader, then put a snap on ( I tend to change my topwater lures around a lot ha ). I tie a loop knot on my topwater would putting a snap on affect the action of the bait? Also what's your experience with snaps? I know I know the the knots ha. Only thing I'm thinking about using these are for topwater because the leader runs out quick the I gotta tie another fg knot. Side note I only run about a 2-3 foot leader. I don't like the knot running threw my guide.
  5. Thanks I'm sure I'll learn a lot on here, I just got into fishing last year. I've hear of bobber stoppers but never used them, Definetly going to use them when I Texas rig my soft plastics ? Another question if you don't mind. The hook that has the weight already attached ( its a circle weight with the eye of the hook on top of the weight, believe its called a jig hook ) is that the same thing? When would I use the bobber stopper vs the hook with the weight already attached? Sorry my fishing lingo isn't the best.
  6. Awsome thats what it is!! Thank you I've never used bobber stoppers before.
  7. So I bought a tackle box that came the different size hooks, weights, along with a couple other things. I'm not sure how to use one of the things included in the box. Honestly not even sure if its meant for bass fishing ha. Its not letting me upload the picture so I'll explain how it looks the best I can. Its a circle piece of plastic with a hole in the middle. From that piece of plastic is about 6 wires rolled together then they Seperate about a half inch up into 1 wire with a loop and the end of each one... Any help is much appreciated!
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