Well the weekend has come and gone. I put 35-40 hours on the water from Friday to Monday. Waiting on results, but expect to finish between 10-15 out of 62 for a club event. Given where I was fishing, I expected a top 5, but the big girls were not biting my line except one fish.
My go-to style is a texas rig of some sort and Monday was no different. Sunday and Monday I sized up from a 4" tube to an 8" lizard and the size of fish increased from 14-15" to 16-17". It was clear I found a spawning and staging area and fished it hard. I fished the edges of lilies where it transitioned to grass or a weed of sorts.
Changing things up I moved off the lilies to more open water and into deeper 5-7 ft of water thinking maybe the bigger fish were deeper. The sun was high (noon) with clear bright skies. I was drifting with wind and making a long cast quartering with the wind a dragging back slowly through the grass when my rod hit so hard I thought it was a pike or smallmouth. As I got it closer the the yak, disappointment set in when I thought it was a big drum (or sheephead we call them). I didn't bother with the net only to see the biggest darn bass I've ever seen on the right side of the boat. As I reach down and grab it with my right hand by the mouth, my left hand (with the rod) leans over and creates enough slack for her to hop off. I was devastated.
I spent two more hours circling the area after setting 3 waypoints. (100ft radius) I had 3 more bite that felt the same but could not hook up again. I tried the same area again a few hours later without success. My guess is I hit her bed the first time and either found a school or got lucky enough to hit her bed 3 more times.
That bass could have eaten every other fish I caught all weekend. I am guessing she was 5-7lbs and 21-23".