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About georgiabassfisherman

  • Birthday 05/08/1991

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Short Fish

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  1. Hey everybody hows it goin? Im not new on here but im willing to bet it has been about 2 years since i have been on here. I kinda got out of fishing for a while but now im back in it. Just bought me a new boat and have went out the past few weekends and i still have a little talent left over lol. Just figured i would drop in and say hello and i plan on starting back staying around these forums again. I miss ole LBH and a few of the other guys.
  2. Will do Russ So far this is wat i know I will be doing. Sunday me and my sister are getting on the plane and the first few days me and her will be doing some hiking and sight seeing. After that im getting together with Wesley(the owner of the outfitting service) and hes gonna gear me up for my week of camping on the Kenai(not sure about spelling)River. Then Im taking a little bush plane to one side of a mountain where ill meet up wiyh him then we will hike over the mountain and scratch an airstrip for the bush planes and thats when ill be doing the bear hunting
  3. yea the guy has me doing a week long camping trip on a river up there and im gonna do alot of fishing
  4. Hey everyone im getting on the plane for Alaska on Sunday. Im going up there because I have been offered to be a hunting guide up there for a guy thats from where i live at. Im going up there this summer to see how I like it and all and ill get to bear hunt while im up there. Later everyone and hope yall have some good fishing while im gone.
  5. Well I did go out this morning and started out throwing my Rogue around the edge of the pond and caught one little dink. Then I got in the boat and tied on a Gambler Ace in watermelon red and just smoked em up. I fished around the edges of the pond first and caught some more fish in the 1-2lb range. Then I tied up out in the middle of the pond(there are tons of logs and stumps in the middle and the fish tend to hang around there) and caught one 5lber right under the boat. Then I caught one that weighed 3lbs and he wrapped me around a stump so I had to go get him. While out there in the center a MONSTER FISH blew the water up and tons of small fish were running everywhere. I was like DANG and I paddled over there and tried to catch her for an hour and all I got was another dink. So I guess you can say I had a pretty good day.
  6. I was thinking that myself Trojan but do you think I should try it wacky style.
  7. The water is clear only to about 1 foot of depth but not due to muddyness its just really dark water and all of the bass I have caught out of there have been dark colored. I was told it could possibly have to do with the cypress trees in the pond.
  8. Hey guys im planning on going fishing tomorow at a friend of mines pond. I have had some great luck in this pond(Look at the post Georgia Bassin) but the past two days we have had some heavy cloud cover with lots of thunder and lightening but very little rain. The pond is not very big but has tons of logs and stumps in it. Most of the fish i catch are on a rattling rougue or on a worm T-Rigged weightless. I have some senkos and I want to try them so what do you guys think? Any advice for a day like this? I dont typically fish after rains and such but tomorow is one of the odd days I dont have to work or have basketball practice.
  9. WOOHOO man that was a fun day. Thanx Mike for gettin these pics up here for me man. That first pig with the notch in her back weighed 7lbs im guessing since she was just a little smaller than the one in the second pic and we actually weighed her and she weighed 8'2. It was a fun day none the less.
  10. Wow man awesome fish and I *** you soooooo muchhhhhh TAKE ME TO YOUR DEALER MAN HOOK A BROTHER UP
  12. The Bill Dance blooper when he had a few rods in the back of his truck and says,"Heres a tip for ya" then he shuts the tailgate on all of the rods and picks up the tips and says,"Nope here is a handfull of tips for ya."
  13. Well guys yesterday morning I woke up to Shaw Grigsby on the televison and I sat there and watched him fish until I coudnt stand it any longer. So I got my little nephew up and dressed and we went down to the church pond by our house. There are tons of yearling bass in there in the 1 pound range so I tied us on some rooster tails figuring we could have more fun since we could probably catch more. Well we caught a ton of those little guys, or well actually he did haha he totally outfished me and he loved every bit of it. And then this morning me and my friend went to his pond and I outfished him 4 to zip. Nothing large though the biggest one may have pushed 3 lbs but it was fun out there on the water listening to a turkey gobbling his head off. And then today when I got home I walked down to our pond and got a big suprise. About 2 years ago I put maybe 15 bass in our pond all in between 1lb and 2lbs and I didnt think any of them had made it since i watched the catfish literally knock the bass out of the water but today i seen probably 25 bass about 8-10 inches long so I am happy that some of the bass I put in made it and that they are rasing in our pond so I have had a pretty darn good weekend not to mention I got to see David Cooler in concert again. If none of u guys know who David Cooler is you should look him up all of his songs are true stories and are awessome. Well until next trip tight lines you guys. GBF
  14. "New friends are silver but old friends are gold" cant remember "The mighty oak grew from a tiny acorn"cant remember either "Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway"John Wayne
  15. The Backwoods Bass Busters
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