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Everything posted by ZbestBassman

  1. I agree and good points Tom thanks!
  2. Yes but make sure you don't have a lure on just free line it all the way out and pinch the line in front of the reel with your fingers on the way in
  3. Buy stren original if you like mono and if you can then spool it up like a baitcaster with the line coming off the spool straight on.
  4. I agree and good points Tom thanks!
  5. There is a lot of tying and retying checking for abrasions after a fish that is time consuming I don't mind it though
  6. So what I would like to bring up is why does everyone today want to go big on line? Guys I'm going to be 100% honest here and from my experience I know my biggest bass have always been on 12lb mono or less I know florocarbon is great as well but I won't throw anything over 12lb mono except for topwater that's the ONLY time I go bigger for largemouth. I know your going to say well what about flipping in grass or around structure? BUT here me out if you want to catch the smart big bass you gotta be subtle and smart I will use 12lb or less and catch more and bigger fish yes I even use it around cover I don't break off often even dragging over cover. Thoughts.......
  7. Night fishing plus bass attractant ( use the gel) stick to BIG baits in black or blue with lots of vibration. Maybe even a saltwater version swimbait something they haven't seen yet !???
  8. Well stren owns suffix so of its anything as good as stren original mono its probably the best
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