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    I like to fish freshwater. Largemoth

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  1. Ok thx for the insight guys. As I said was fishing on my lunch break at work with my Formen’s rod so I didn’t have my scale or a tape. Maybe I did let the world record go ???‍♂️
  2. Welcome. I too just signed up today. Looking forward to learning and sharing here. This site rocks!
  3. Hi everyone. First time poster. OK so today at work on my lunch break I caught this largemouth and it’s the biggest one I ever caught. I was by myself So it was difficult to take a good photo with my phone. Anyone Know roughly what this guy might weigh? Note my hand as a scale of reference for size. Also note that most people hold the fish close to the camera and far away from their body to get the illusion of a grander size fish. Where as I had to do the opposite to get the fish in frame of the camera so I held it close to me. Ok thanks guys and any and all guesses are welcome!
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