I hate gut hooking fish. Absolutely hate it. Every time I pull a bass out of the water and I don't see the hook poking out of the mouth, I couldn't care less how big it is - I just want to get the hook out. Up until recently, I've only had it happen a couple of times.
The rod I have been using forever for my Senkos, TX Rigs, and recently Ned Rigs is my trusty NRX 803s. I love this thing. After my experience with the NRX, I turned into a bit of a G.Loomis fanboy so I thought spending the money on a Conquest was a no-brainer. I picked up an 842s second hand, and a member here was kind enough to trade me a 782s. The 782s has become my new Senko/TX/Ned Rig rod for the past two weeks.
With this rod, however, the past two times I've picked up a smaller fish and didn't even realize it was there until I went to pull back to get a little action on the bait. I always keep a close eye on my line but I'll also occasionally look for action elsewhere on the water or near to where I'm standing while I'm slowly reeling it in. On my NRX I'll feel the little nibbles or the bite and then snap my attention back to set the rod and reel it in. On the CNQ this is proving to be substantially more difficult, which I find extremely odd.
Since I switched I've gut hooked 3-fish - one more than I can recall in all of my years of fishing.
I'm using the exact same reel and the exact same line that I was on the NRX. The only thing I can think of is that the NRX is a Medium-Heavy/Extra Fast Action while the CNQ is a Medium/Fast.
I mean, could it just be the CNQ isn't as sensitive as the NRX is? I know there's a lot of debate as to if "sensitivity" is actually a thing or a marketing gimmick, but I feel like I really can't feel as much as I could on the NRX. Maybe I'm just subconsciously fishing differently or something, I don't know. Maybe the fish are just hitting the lures more aggressively now? I've thought about switching to barbless or circle hooks, but I've read circle hooks aren't good for bass because they require the fish to eat it and then swim away.
Sorry for the long post, just getting a bit frustrated and hoping for some insight.
Edit: Got the power and tip actions mixed up.