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  1. if u r diehard u can spend serious money.(or if u have thousands in spare cash lying around) the bps pro qualifier rods are great rods for around the 100 mark. cabelas has an equal house brand. stick with the major manufacturers on reels as quality lessens sometimes with house brands. alot of people that post here will reccomend st croix and other high end rods but around the 100 mark your price and quality dont always increase at the same rate as a 20 dollar rod to a hunderd dollar rod. while a 250 dollar rod might be bada$$ it might not always be worth the extra money for a lot of anglers. if your not a die hard serious or you are but dont have much money to burn the best cheap rod on the market is the berkley lightning rod. reasonable sensitivity, strength and lightweight for about $40.. as far as reels go its the same boat pricewise especially in baitcast equipment. ive have been through several bps branded reels that didnt last as long as their eqally priced major label competitors.. daiwa and shimano have their act together on most equipment when it comes to quality. im sure others do as well bum im not as familiar with them as i am daiwa and shimano. for about 130 the daiwa tierra is a fantastic baitcaster. hope this helps and hope i didnt offend anyone. these are just my opinions with my 21 rod and reel combos. 16 freshwater 5 saltwater
  2. anyone ever tried the 7x7 steel leader wire. it ties just like regular fishing line. no crimps. it comes in black or camo but is very expansive. 30 ft (yes i said 30 ft. not 30 yards) cost about $20 for 13 lb test. i use it where there are alot of fish with teeth.
  3. for all you braid to leader users out there. what brand and type of leader do you use.
  4. got about 8 of em in different sizes and shapes
  5. ::::::::::::newsflash:::::::::::::::: zoom now makes a 7 inch magnum super fluke...... i just found them at bps this on wednesday its WAY BIGGER that the current super fluke. go check em out
  6. i got some that stay oustide in the shed and they are fine. you just cant store them with regular plastics.
  7. if there is a bass pro near you then get your butt over there. i looked like a 3yr old in the chocholate factory yesterday............................... :::::::::::::NEWS FLASH::::::::::::::::: ZOOM NOW MAKES A 7 INCH MAGNUM SUPER FLUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! try it out and see if that helps ;D
  8. i also love fishing in the rain. had some of my best days ever in the rain. dont like the lightning though. ;D
  9. go to wal-hell and buy something that shakespeare makes. i got an axiom combo(shakespeare brand)a few years ago before started sleeping with the bait monkey, and still have cought more fish with it than any other combo i have. i got some fairly expensive stuff but i think the fish see this cheap setup and feel sorry for me and bite my lines 8-)
  10. try a 4 inch junebug kinami weightless let it sink and slowly drag it in.
  11. its always better to ask permission. when you show up to their home look and act like a respectable person. tuck your d**n shirt in. no loud music. dont look and act like a punk. just ask nicely if you can fish. tell them you will throw everythimg you catch back and that you wont leave any trash around. tell them that if you do find some trash you will pick it up and that if you catch a big one that they can have it. usually the owner will tell you to keep it for yourself or throw it back. if the owner says no then it is probably because he doesnt know you or you came across offensive in some way(shirt, loud music when you drove up, etc) try to find someone who knows the owner that can help your case or offer to help around. alot of fisherman have trucks so offer to mow the grass around the pond. this will help you find better spots to fish if the give you permission
  12. i use a 7 ' heavy for inshore saltwater and is fantastic. great for catfish too
  13. hey simon, heres the thing. in you are referring to a real snap like a saltwater type it will affect the motion because it is bigger and heavier than the original split ring. if you are referring to the normans speed clips then throw them away unless you are using them to catch bluegill. keep in mind that bass generally dont feel like coming into your boat or your hand. they tend to fight being cought. in that fight bass and most other fish will twist and jerk and pull and jump and wrap you up and all sorts of other things. when these things happen the bass can actually pry open some clips and unhang itself. thereby causing you to not only lose a fish, but a 5 dollar plug in the process :'( practice a polamar knot, and check out the fast tie knot tyer if you need help with knot tying.
  14. not sure if this is the right forum but here goes. im lookig for a tackle box with some decent wheels on it. bps has a backpack thing with some very small wheel on it. im lookih for something with bigger wheels on it.
  15. yum garlic
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