So my one and a half month old st-croix mojo bass 7'1 2 pieces medium/fast unfortunately broke today... I was jigging and as I was right next to the shore a ~ 3 pound bass bit. I set the hook and my rod broke in 3 pieces, 3 inches away from the top and 8inches from the joint.
The fish bit so close to shore and the water was so shallow that as I set the hook on the fish, it actually pulled him out of the water a bit, that's when it snapped. I'm afraid st-croix will assume I high-tipped the rod by flipping the fish since it broke at the tip ( which I know not to do as a friend of mine broke one of his rod like this in front of me).
I bought this rod from "local" store (45 mins away) so I will go there when I get the chance later this week or next week but in the mean time I'd like to maybe get some closure. I'm ready to accept that I may be at fault since I did technically pull the fish out of the water using the rod even if my intention wasnt to flip it. But to your knowledge, does the fact that it also broke above the joint indicate that the blank might be at fault rather than being completely user error? My friend is telling me to say nothing else than "I set the hook and it snapped" but I appreciate the amazing warranty service offered by higher end company and I don't wanna take advantage of it since its the reason good warranty are hard to come by.
edit: forgot to ask, I saw on st-croix's website that you can purchase tips for multi-section rods on their "online store" but no matter how hard I look I cant find where on the website to shop for them, if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it