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Everything posted by Kwoui

  1. Since it said "online store" I thought I could browse them but I guess not. I gave st-croix a call and we didn't really talk about if I was at fault or not since me being from canada and my rod being a two piece, replacing the top tip is the cheaper alternative. The shipping for warranty claim is $30 us + the shipping on my end The replacement tip is $35 us with shipping included. It will also be shipped today rather than taking 3 weeks for the warranty claim.
  2. So my one and a half month old st-croix mojo bass 7'1 2 pieces medium/fast unfortunately broke today... I was jigging and as I was right next to the shore a ~ 3 pound bass bit. I set the hook and my rod broke in 3 pieces, 3 inches away from the top and 8inches from the joint. The fish bit so close to shore and the water was so shallow that as I set the hook on the fish, it actually pulled him out of the water a bit, that's when it snapped. I'm afraid st-croix will assume I high-tipped the rod by flipping the fish since it broke at the tip ( which I know not to do as a friend of mine broke one of his rod like this in front of me). I bought this rod from "local" store (45 mins away) so I will go there when I get the chance later this week or next week but in the mean time I'd like to maybe get some closure. I'm ready to accept that I may be at fault since I did technically pull the fish out of the water using the rod even if my intention wasnt to flip it. But to your knowledge, does the fact that it also broke above the joint indicate that the blank might be at fault rather than being completely user error? My friend is telling me to say nothing else than "I set the hook and it snapped" but I appreciate the amazing warranty service offered by higher end company and I don't wanna take advantage of it since its the reason good warranty are hard to come by. edit: forgot to ask, I saw on st-croix's website that you can purchase tips for multi-section rods on their "online store" but no matter how hard I look I cant find where on the website to shop for them, if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it
  3. yeah, I've always held my rod ( even spinning) with my middle finger, it just feels more comfortable to me. Thats actually a good way to see it Thanks everyone for the input! I'll keep educating my thumb and slowly pushing the limit as I improve!
  4. It is extremely good free advertisement. I know a guy that makes very specialized sinkers ( carp fishing ). His first year that he started selling them he gave a box of 100 sinkers to a guy that works at a tackle shop and told him "whenever you fish with someone give them a few, and if you need more let me know". He knows that guy fishes with a lot of the customers of the tackle store( that's how I fished with him, I was asking for some tips and he invited me to show me the ropes). I personally know of 10 person that now regularly use his sinkers simply from the word to mouth. That box of 100 sinkers was worth 300 dollars, he already made that money back and even more. Now give something to a pro that has a huge youtube channel, is on tv in tournaments all the time. That's millions of people seeing your product giving results.
  5. I completely agree with that, practice makes perfect! That's why I was asking because my fishing partner was telling me to tighten the spool to where it wouldn't backlash when letting the bait drop then setting the brake to where it doesnt backlash at all even without my thumb. And it works great, the casting distance was good ... but if there is room for improvement, why not go for it. My thumb probably isnt "educated" enough to be better than the brakes but I'd rather be practicing right from the start than picking up bad habits. I'm all about learning, I even put the brakes on 0 and casted just to see what it would do.... it wasnt pretty
  6. I recently got my hands on my first baitcaster, a daiwa fuego ct. I did my research on how to cast and setup a baitcaster without getting birdsnests and to my surprise I'm doing surprisingly well. I set it up as suggested: spool has a slight left to right play and with the magnetic brakes on 10. I was using 1/2oz tube, casting North with 20mph wind coming from the North-east. The only time I got a backlash was when I switched to a spinnerbait with my brakes on 8 and did a overhead cast ( I'm pretty sure the spinnerbait caught in the wind and that's what caused it) The problem is mainly when it comes to fine tuning. For example, if I set the brakes to 8 I still manage to cast without a birdnest but I do sometimes feel the spool giving me too much line mid cast and need to use my thumb to slow it down. I guess my question is does slowing down the spool with my thumb hurt my casting distance more than having my brakes set up higher would? Am I simply "playing with fire" by trying to minimize the brakes?
  7. The only time I get birdnest on a spinning set up is when I put too much line on the reel. p.s. spooling it on too tight will have the same effect. ( if you put the perfect amount of line but super tight, once you cast and retrieve its gonna spool on less tightly and result in having too much line for your reel, making you birds nest on the next casts)
  8. Thanks everyone for taking the time to answer! I pulled the trigger on the fuego ct and im going to get my rod tomorrow p.s. I just noticed my thread got posted twice for some reason, sorry about that ! deleted the duplicated
  9. I'm a motorcyclist and I love to join my two passions, ride and stop at nice spots to fish
  10. Wow, I wasnt expecting so many answer so quickly! It's nice finding and active community! That's how much I was thinking of spending at first, but as I said, its pretty much impossible to find a 2 piece baitcasting rod in Canada. Only other option was the veritas and all the topics I see about the veritas is about how it randomly breaks. I was also told the quantum smoke would fit my needs but I wasn't able to find much information about the rod Glad to hear good things about the fuego ct and the mojo bass combo from all of you guys, makes me confident in pulling the trigger
  11. So I've been doing a lot of shopping for my first baitcaster set up... As of now I'm thinking of getting the fuego CT on a mojo bass medium fast 7'1. This means that my rod is twice as expensive as my reel. From what I read I think people prefer spending more on the reel than the rod but here is my problem: The fuego CT I can get for 75 dollars (I've heard very good things about this reel and that's a good price considering they are 99 dollars + tax in store) The mojobass is 150 dollars ( not on sale but since I need a 2 piece and they are IMPOSSIBLE to find in canada im thinking of paying full price) This is in my opinion the best I can get for my budget at the moment. I could go for a better reel and cheaper rod but here is the thing, I dont really see any reel that are "worth" spending the extra money. The only other contenders in that budget would be the curado. I know the curado is a very good reel, but people say the curado is very close to the tatula ct, and the tatula ct is very close to the fuego CT in terms of performance. I'm not convinced its worth spending twice as much for it. All of the above plus the fact that st-croix has amazing customer service makes me want to "invest" in the st-croix Anyways, sorry for rambling, let me know what you think the best ratio of money spent on rod vs reel is. Also, feel free to give your opinion on my set-up situation situation!
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