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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. @ABU is overpriced Im going off of your parameters that the quality stays the same. With that said let’s create 2 fake employees John in Japan and Sam in China, John makes $50 an hour and Sam makes $25 but they’re doing the exact same job, as a company where would you build your reels? I’ll give you another scenario I was a union carpenter for many years and one of the contractors I worked for we built tract houses and down the road they were building custom homes using non union carpenters, I got it in my young brain that the non union guys must be better carpenters given what they were building vs me until one day my boss took me to do punch work on a custom home they built on the shores of Lake Michigan in Michigan it was then I realized that it’s not what you’re building but how you’re building it. We could frame a tract home in 5 days or less and when I asked my boss how long it took to frame the custom if memory serves me correctly it took almost 3 months to frame and it was then that I realized it’s not who’s building it but how it’s being built that created the differences as the same framing concepts are being used in both houses. So in a long winded way as long as the quality is there I could care less where it’s being made or by who.
  2. Although mine are nowhere near as big as @Jig Rookie’s I too took advantage of the warm weather on Tuesday and hooked into these 2.
  3. @Tackleholic What makes you think he didn’t?
  4. @Jig Rookie Congratulations on breaking the 6pound mark 👊🏻👍🏻👏🏻.That is absolutely incredible and even better on a blank you painted. God has truly blessed us these past few days and I’m grateful for it.
  5. Just a thought but can you reach out to Daiwa for confirmation?
  6. Although I’ll admit I have zero idea when the “real” Oktoberfest ends I figured I better grab at least one more Oktoberfest 12 pack while I can. I’m trying a new one and 2 beers in I’m not sure what I think.
  7. I’m also going to add knowing you’re a fan of Daiwa as I also am do yourself a favor and check out the Daiwa BG (Black & Gold), I have a 1500 size and although it’s a bit on the heavy side as it’s saltwater rated it’s one of the smoothest reels I own with perfect line lay straight out of the box. Considering where you’re fishing and what you’re fishing for I feel this reel will hold up better for you in the long run especially for the extra $20.00.
  8. I’m in agreement with @MN Fisher that the Daiwa 2500 will hold plenty of line, also agree a medium heavy would be my choice. Lastly if I’m not mistaken @throttleplate fishes in a similar manner so maybe he’ll chime in also.
  9. @F14A-B Japan lure shop(JLS) always includes a free gift.
  10. If you search “Shimano spinning reels” /“Daiwa spinning reels” on this site you’ll get a lot of opinions on just about every reel you have listed and the reasons why they’re liked in the way they’re being used. I will add I finally bought a Stradic and I’m hoping to add another although I’d ultimately love a Vanquish based on the opinions of the members on here.
  11. I sure do hope they can figure out their defense as it truly is fun to watch their offense. I will add my wife who is a big Chiefs fan said when asked about the above question that even she is growing skeptical of the bias the referees are seemingly showing for the Chiefs this year. I get the fact they’re only human but some of the missed calls are pretty disheartening.
  12. @throttleplate I’ll speak on behalf of myself here as I stated “if they don’t win they take the chance of losing the locker room” nothing more nothing less. I personally don’t care who they start but as a Bears fan I’m obviously hoping Justin Fields plays the 51% needed for the Bears to receive the Steelers 4th round pick instead of the Steelers 6th round pick.
  13. WOW I thought for sure Minnesota was going to block that one😮
  14. Tomlin better hope Wilson wins this game as was pointed out on our local sports radio station otherwise he could lose control of the team because of this decision.
  15. Although I’ve not handled a whole lot of the new Mojo lineup I’m inclined to agree with @FishTank and say unless it’s a “glass” crank bait specific rod which I believe is green in color compared to the dark red/purple try out what you had in mind and see if you like it. One of my favorite rods is a Eagle Claw rod that has “crank bait/spinnerbait” stamped on it and I used it for just about anything you can think of in its weight range when it was the only rod I had, I like it so much I bought a Okuma with a mod-fast action as an upgrade and love the rod for appropriately sized chatter baits, swim jigs and if it’s my only option shallow crank baits/squarebills.
  16. Way to go Tank😃 and very nice of you to drive him there and emotionally support him too 😆PS he’s a handsome pup 😉
  17. Congratulations Cooper from New Lenox Illinois. You have a great mindset already for fishing now just remember to apply that to your schoolwork 😉
  18. @herder Been there drank those🤪
  19. @BlakeMolone I m looking forward to seeing what you catch on “them” as I’m assuming you tied more than one of those beauties. Best of luck.
  20. @Peacedivision Beautiful stripers? Congratulations on the non skunk and that stinks when you forget the dang pliers and take a hook to boot 😮 been there done that 😉
  21. Stopped Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at my favorite pond this week with no luck Friday but Tuesday and Wednesday caught a few both days on a jig and an in-line spinner that I just started fishing with again thanks to @bulldog1935 & @Swamp Girl for reminding me of how productive they can be. I’m including the dinky bass here of which I caught 2 on the aforementioned in-line spinner.
  22. @BlakeMolone I’m going to say the exact same thing I said about MassBass and his in-line spinners and that is the retention pond bass and for that matter the bluegill and crappie would definitely eat that 😉 Awesome job👍🏻
  23. @Mike L Glad to hear you made it through with minimal damage, as well as every one else.
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