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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. Does it look like this? I have the same rod in 6’/6” med I won in a raffle at a fishing show.
  2. I’ve got one also 5’-6” dark red in color full cork handle. I think it’s a 2006? I still use it for fishing with a bobber.
  3. I’m going to throw my .02 cents in. First off I’m not the guy who hits it hard fishing maybe 2-3 times a week for 1-3 hours at a time mostly at a local retention pond where the big bass is around 2 pounds. I bought my Denali “fission” rod off a co worker who used it a handful of times for $40.00 and I have used it for the past 2 seasons as a small crank/square bill rod. It’s a med. power fast action rod and the reason my co-worker sold it to me is the mod. fast action which I’m loving. Not sure if that power/action translates to the rest of their lineup but I will say I’m very pleased with the build quality on my particular model, the Winn grip (which I have several rods incorporating them) are a really nice touch and the best in my lineup, the duralumin guides are straight and the reel seat stays locked with no issues. I personally love the curled trigger on the seat also. I realize this model is discontinued and hopefully you receive some more responses with some current rod reviews.
  4. I really enjoyed my Okuma EVX casting rod this past season. A rod that doesn’t seem to receive a lot of praise or recommendations but those who reviewed/used it on here seem to universally enjoy them.
  5. I know I’ve recommended the Piscifun Carbon X reel many times on here and although it’s usually met with resistance I liked mine enough to order another 1000 size on Amazon for $50.99 on Thursday. I’m planning on purchasing the shallow spare spool direct from Piscifun to go with it. Although it was used on my bps rod last year I’m planning on purchasing a Daiwa Legalis LT from my local tackle shop in spring as I’m a complete sucker for a color matched combo ? To paraphrase Fernando Lamas/Billy Crystal “It’s better to look good than to fish good” ?? I’m planning on spooling the Daiwa with blue Kastking monofilament. I’m Eric and I have a problem? With that said I know I’m in good company after seeing the blinged out beauties by the likes of bulldog 1935 and KP Duty not to mention all the others on here.
  6. ? Those are some seriously beautiful reels. On a more serious note hoping you start feeling better and your COVID test comes up negative.
  7. I have a bps panfish elite rod and can’t say enough good things about it. I know some had problems with bps rod guides but the Fuji faz lite guides gave me zero issues. I like my 6’-8” ultralight so much I’m thinking of getting the 7’-2” light powered rod during the spring classic.
  8. And here I thought it was only Chicago land forecasters getting paid to be wrong 99% of the time ?. All kidding aside my boss in residential would take us out to breakfast and if it blew over we would get on it if not we’d punch list a couple previous built houses. Commercial carpentry the company I worked for they didn’t care what the weather was, their was always something to work on. Just got back last week from Christmas break in your beautiful state, reading your posts is making me jealous ?
  9. That is a beautiful match. Looking forward to seeing what you catch on the combo.
  10. Going to throw my opinion in here. I own a Daiwa Tatula CT ”7” speed (2019), a Shimano SLX “8” speed (2020) and a Daiwa Tatula 100 H “7” speed (2021). For what it’s worth I’m going to purchase a 2022 Daiwa Tatula CT in spring of 2022, if that means anything . I’m very happy with the braking system on all three aforementioned reels but feel the Daiwa system is superior in my humble opinion . With that said I’m not one to change the settings often as my setups are more lure weight based rather than rod/reel combination feel if that makes sense?. As far as profile the Shimano is lower profile/smaller in feel but comparable to the Tatula 100 which is $30.00-$60.00 more than my comparable Daiwa/Shimano reels in price point. If it helps I wear a medium sized work glove but I have fat (Fred Flinstone) fingers ?. I think you will be extremely happy with the Daiwa for your intended usage, would like to hear what you ultimately purchase and any thoughts after. Good luck.
  11. You sir are a good man and manager.??
  12. Not saying you didn’t have issues with your rod/rods just pointing out my experience with my rod. As stated it’s not my favorite for ultralight fishing and I own/owned a couple different bps rods along with other brands for my ultralight fishing.
  13. I disagree with the bass pro rod comment. I have a panfish elite rod I’ve been using for two seasons with no issues whatsoever. My favorite rod is a 6’-4” light powered all star rod marketed as a drop shot rod but it is unfortunately not in production any longer.
  14. I’m using a 6’-10” med power for 1/4 oz strike king finesse jigs with a trailer. I’m using 10 lb suffix advance monofilament and although I’m not hooking giants by any means I don’t feel it’s underpowered at all.
  15. I’ll throw in the Okuma TCS A 7’-3” hvy. Soft tip solid backbone.
  16. Here’s my contribution. Both reels were used by my dad (Daiwa) and brother (Ryobi) in Minnesota during our annual fishing vacation when I was much younger, I used a Zebco spin cast back then. Those 2 reels caught everything from perch to pike back then?. Nowadays they go with me to the pond catching bluegill, crappies and small bass. I love going down memory lane with these threads. P.S love Bulldog1935’s reel pics.
  17. As I’ve stated I have a royal legend 2, which I like better than my Piscifun Spark for the same price but neither are built to last imho. I’ve been eyeballing the Alloy M as I really enjoy my Saex Elite and Carbon X reels.
  18. I didn’t realize Doyo sells reels, I thought they only manufactured them?. I will agree with Crash Vector in the sense that someone who doesn’t know better could cause some damage without adding grease/oil.
  19. I have one in 6 speed and I’m really happy with mine. At that price I would buy one but I’m not in the market for a high speed reel. Pretty sure Daiwa is discontinuing this model which I feel is a shame.
  20. I’m in agreement, I have last years model with the split grips and I’m kicking myself in the rump for not grabbing more when I saw them at $49.99. I’m not a fan of the full grip but for the price you can do a lot worse.
  21. In my best Dos Equis guy voice…….”I don’t always break my fishing rods but when I do I prefer them to be cheap or warrantied” ??
  22. I used Eagle Claw lazer sharp z-bend worm hooks this past season and I was pretty happy with them.
  23. Not sure if you made your purchase yet but if you’re not in a hurry you may want to check out this Lews rod and read the description on the Lews website. It sounds like it’s exactly what you’re after.
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