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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. I will add one more thing to this post, as far as your price range if you can bump it to $100.00 dollars you will be able to get an aluminum framed reel from multiple manufacturers that will last. I like many others on here have and still have and enjoy a variety of reels in this price range and most are made by Doyo with pretty similar features, think Abu Garcia Revo X, Lews LFS, Daiwa CA80 etc. The one that I can think of off the top of my head that’s different is the Shimano SLX which uses centrifugal brakes vs magnetic braking. You can use the search tool on here if you do not understand the difference between the two, @bulldog1935 recently wrote about this exact difference and you may or may not find it helpful. Lastly I will add there are reels that offer both braking systems on one reel, with the cheapest that comes to my mind being the bps pro qualifier at $99.00. Although I don’t own one I have the carbonlite 2.0 which is the same frame in a different color and a few other extras to set it apart. With the upcoming holiday you should be able to find something that will make you happy at close to your price range. The biggest problem in my opinion is going to be finding something in stock either online or in store.
  2. I’ll second this, just didn’t want to ruffle anyone’s feathers ?
  3. You should check out the Piscifun Alloy M reel, aluminum frame available in 6,7,or 8 speed and right and left handed retrieve. I do not own one but I have several Piscifun reels and I’m happy with all but one. They’re priced at $89.99 but you get 15% off going through them directly which is usually a wash after tax and shipping or you can search for them on Amazon where you might find them cheaper. I’ve bought both ways and with Amazon you can usually find some type of coupon for a discount. I’ll agree with @MN Fisher on the Daiwa CA80 I bought mine on Amazon for the same price, but in pictures and “Debo’s fishing” you tube review I feel these 2 reels are pretty much the same. Again I will repeat this reel is available in the 3 popular speeds with my preference for all around being the 6.3:1 and although I’m a right handed person I prefer left handed retrieve, same as my spinning reels. Best of luck to you and looking forward to hearing what you ultimately end up buying.
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. I’m going to try to get out to my local shop in the next couple weeks and see if he has this model or maybe the 13 fishing bulldog is suggesting. I also purchased 2 Okuma rods based on the suggestions/reviews on here and have been very pleased with price point and performance.
  5. I used the Denali mainly for throwing small square bills. The tip was soft enough to really cast them out their and keep the treble hooks pinned but enough backbone to set the hooks or rip free of weeds. As I said I’m in no rush so I’m going to try to get my hands on these rods. My daughter is getting ready to graduate high school and head off to college so my focus is more on her preparation than my need for a rod as of now. Thanks for the solid recommendations. I was hoping to hear from someone who has/had the Okuma I mentioned because I really like mine as I said.
  6. So I’ll start this off by saying I just broke a rod screwing around in my garage ?. Thankfully I purchased the rod second hand a few years ago and was able to enjoy it prior to breaking it. It was a Denali fission rod not covered under warranty and although I enjoyed the rod for its unique, in my collection attributes of a soft tip with a firm but not too powerful backbone I’m ok with replacing it (bait monkey approved)?. As of now I’m interested in the Okuma tcs-a 7’0” medium plus rod but I’m open to other suggestions that match my vague description of my Denali. I’m in no hurry and will probably wait until the Black Friday sale but will pull the trigger if I hear it’s being discontinued. I have a local shop that carries Okuma rods and I’m very impressed and happy with my evx-b and my tcs-a. I’m again hoping to hold off until the sales as I’m hoping to purchase a reel through my local shop soon. I’m planning on pairing the rod with my newest reel a Tatula 80 which I just spooled up yesterday night and can’t wait to put to use. Lastly I’m a bit of a budget minded guy and I’m looking at $150.00 and under. Thanks in advance guys and gals.
  7. This looks like a job for @bulldog1935? P.S. I think you should put this post in the for sale section
  8. There was a show on Sportsman Channel where a chef catches/hunts animals not often thought of as edible think opossum, raccoon etc. I’m pretty sure he did a show featuring Asian carp but I may be thinking of another show. If I’m not mistaken it was filmed on the Mississippi River in Illinois.
  9. I’m not trying to excuse the people who are ignorant and leave their trash any where they please, as Corey Taylor says “people equal ….” but I digress. As far as I’m concerned the trash industry in general at least in my neck of the woods is horrible. Let me explain, first watch your local garbage man empty a can and see how many times trash comes flying out because someone didn’t bag it properly not the garbage mans fault but that stuff goes flying everywhere. Then and again I’m referring to my area watch the trash transfer trucks and see how much garbage flys out of them as they’re driving, even with the netting most transfers are overloaded to the point it makes me wonder what they were thinking. Drive down I-394 or I-80 or I-294 and you will understand. Their is a company not sure if I can mention the name so I won’t but I know for a fact they created a self contained trash hauling trailer in the shape of a cylinder. Not really sure why it’s not being used more often than it is. Again not making excuses for slobs but I believe we need to look at the bigger picture.
  10. If you’re looking at the bps carbonlite you should ask what kind of deal for purchasing the matching rod, they have the med light in 6’-6” and 6-9”. Although I don’t have either I have the casting combo and again I’m happy with the rod and reel. I know they had the rods with the matching color scheme during the spring classic sale at a price I can’t remember but it’s worth a shot to see what they may have leftover and how much they want for the combo. I know the gold accented combo is $150.00-$160.00 but it’s worth asking imho.
  11. I have that reel in 1500 size and I highly recommend it. I posted on it in “the latest sales” post.
  12. Ok I’ll start, not ultra familiar with the rod but I would check for any kind of cracks in the blank, check the guide wraps (the colored thread covered in epoxy) for any frays and you should check the inside of the guides for roughness by using a q-tip and running it inside the guides. As for the reel check to make sure the bail opens and closes smoothly by hand. Check to make sure it rotated smoothly when using and that nothing seems too loose. $40.00 sounds about right for that combo but I’m not looking at it in person and I think you can do better with your budget.
  13. I’m throwing neds on a 13fishing fate black 7’-1” med light paired with a 13 fishing creed reel. I received the rod last Christmas but have used it a bit this year and I’m pretty impressed. If I had to choose another reel I would pair it with a Piscifun Carbon X 2000 which I have and is a much nicer reel. All in $145.00.
  14. I’m going to add I use and enjoy Kastking monofilament. I’ve only used the 4lb but it’s limp, holds a knot very well and although I haven’t brought in any monster Bass it has handled the dinks and bluegills very well.
  15. I’m dying to see this picture as I’m in the Chicago land suburbs?. Send picture to your gallery then hit add files when you reply to choose the picture which I found posts best on large or medium size when asked just not actual size?
  16. I’m in the suffix advance camp also, liked it enough in 10 lb to buy a 1200 yard spool. Trying out big game monofilament and like it so far and definitely enjoyed McCoy mean green for years. I don’t think you can go wrong with any of the lines mentioned.
  17. I’m in the camp of slower is better for crank baits. I use (2) 5 speed reels for crank baits, square bills and sometimes spinnerbaits. I personally like slower 6:? speed reels but I also have and use 7:? reels as well. I would keep it and purchase a 7 speed when you’re able.
  18. Came home today and the wife left the Bass Pro Shops flyer out for me. I purchased my non limited edition 1500 size 3 years ago and I’m extremely pleased I did. Although I can’t confirm, it’s been said it’s a rebadged Daiwa. Again I don’t have the limited edition but mine is smooth as silk and definitely worth the price.
  19. Sorry for your loss. Run free Tucker ???
  20. Light Texas rigs as in light wire gauge hooks with 1/4 ounce bullet weight with 4” tube or worm is what I used mine for last year and loved it. Also 1/4 ounce swim jigs would pair well. Weightless flukes might work as well.
  21. Out of all the rods mentioned I only have and have used the St. Croix premier and at that it’s a 6’-6” light. I will say I enjoy it but my feeling is if you’re saying you felt the vibration through the Halo then by all means get the Halo. I’m also in the same camp as the G Loomis line is a bit out of my price point.
  22. I’ve been using their monofilament for about 5 years now, I use the 4 lb monofilament on my panfish rods and I absolutely love it, no issues whatsoever. It’s limp holds a trilene knot well and the red color is awesome. Just bought a spool of blue which is just as nice as I expected.
  23. I’m sorry for your loss but your response had me laughing my rear end off?. I agree with this. I recently had 2 rods shipped to me from fellow member @FrnkNsteen who packed them as well actually better as any rod I’ve ever received. He sent them in a heavy cardboard tube and used string tied and taped along with packing to keep them secure. On the opposite end I received a rod from Amazon in a thin cardboard box with nothing but the plastic sleeve for protection and to my surprise there was no damage whatsoever.
  24. I kind of thought the Torrent was going to be a bit weak. Although not now or necessarily in the near future I’ll probably wind up with a Alloy M in lieu of anything else I’ve mentioned in this post. If I had to choose today it would be a toss up between the Alloy M and the Daiwa CR80 based on my experience with my Saex elite and my CA80.
  25. Although I’m more of a Piscifun fan, Saex Elite and (3) Carbon X spinning reels, I too purchased a KK Royal Legend 2 in 5 speed as it is the only other 5 speed reel available in left hand as far as I know, to compliment my Abu Revo X winch. I will say I enjoy it much better than my Piscifun Spark (standard) at the same price. I cannot find the proper tension on that Piscifun reel to save my life let alone my fishing line. I wouldn’t want to pull a 5 pound fish with 5 lbs of vegetation or even a 10 lb fish in open water with it all season long as I feel there are better options for that. With that said I love it for fishing ponds with 1-3lb fish and have enjoyed doing so for the last ? 2 or is it 3 seasons ?. As for my next reel I was looking really hard at the Piscifun Alloy M but on a budget I would certainly grab another Royal Legend 2 and I’m interested in the Curado knockoffs as I’ve read/seen decent-really good reviews on them.
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