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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. Well you definitely showed off the boxes ? I for one don’t care about brands or how much, but I would love to see the actual reels and the rod /reel combos.
  2. I know my recommendation is a few dollars higher but I enjoy my 13 fishing 7’-1” med light fate black at $79.99 but they also have the defy black at $59.99 in the same size and both are available shorter or longer in length in the med light as well as med powers.
  3. Not trying to cause confusion or stick my nose into what I feel is a honest and therefore truly enjoyable thread….but I purchased both a TCS A with as it was referred to a pregnant/ slash cancerous growth and also a EVX-B on the recommendation of @J Francho and others on here and my sausage size fingers fit both with a definite nod to the EVX-B handle ? With that said and I mean no disrespect by this, my middle finger is 3-1/2” long palm side up to the start of my hand. I say this as I really feel the Okuma TCS A rod is one hell of steal and I’m so thankful to have listened to the members on this site who not only recommend this rod but took the time to fish with it and share honest reviews of it. Lastly for what it’s worth my TCS is paired with a Cabelas Arachnid which isn’t the smallest profile reel and I absolutely love the pairing.
  4. If you’re not brand specific, as it’s been pointed out here many times there are a ton of aftermarket bfs spools ready to drop in various Daiwa reels. You can probably find a used Fuego or Tatula CT cheap enough that it would help offset the cost of the spool and as @bulldog1935does you can carry the standard spool with braid, fluorocarbon or monofilament and essentially have 2 reels for the price of one. Those are 2 of the more moderate priced reels but heck look up some of these guys bfs reels and the sky’s the limit. As I’m thinking of it you can purchase a gen 4 Abu Garcia Revo X for $80.00 and I know there are bfs spools available for the reel. I have a Revo X winch that is very compact and comfortable. Or you can get the Revo SX for $120.00 which also has bfs spools available.
  5. One of the best budget rods imho, I have 3 of the “Brent Chapman” models 2 casting and the spinning version you’re speaking of. Back to the recommendations I really like my 13 fishing fate black rod although I don’t drop shot with it they have a 6’-10” version specific for drop shots. Bonus is its around $85.00. They also have several different models in various price points with either split grips or full cork grips that would meet your needs and hit your budget. Tackle Warehouse currently has the 6’-10” med light muse black for $149.97.
  6. Suffix advance monofilament in 10 lb. Not too pricey and works well in my humble opinion.
  7. Although I don’t own a kayak (yet) I’m in total agreement with saying “nope”?. Can’t wait to show this to a coworker who owns a couple two man kayaks .
  8. This sounds like a perfect opportunity for @Jig Rookie to reply. He posts photos of some healthy looking bass and he’s definitely targeting bigger bass with the swim baits he throws. Good luck in your quest and looking forward to seeing your results.
  9. I use a Tatula CT and 50 lb suffix performance braid. Both of which I feel fall into the reasonably priced category.
  10. I’m curious if you tried it out yet? I for one would enjoy hearing your thoughts on the rod/setup.
  11. Beautiful markings on that fish.
  12. It is SeaKnight 7 pound test line. I bought it on Amazon several years ago and I’m actually quite happy with it. I have it on 2 light powered spinning reels also. I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase again.
  13. For what it’s worth (not much) I’m using a med light bps crankin stick also. I’m late to the bfs party just trying it this year and only a handful of hours on the water at that. I was using a 1/8 ounce Rapala minnow. The rod handled the weight well but I was either accurate casting to a specific target with no distance or no accuracy but getting distance? I’m sure it’s due to my reel and not the rod which I know @bulldog1935 explained setting it up in another post. I did manage to catch 2 dinky bass which is mostly what is in this particular retention pond anyway and I know the rod will be capable of handling sizable bass when I’m dialed in and seeking them out. I would keep the rod and give it a shot ? Here’s a photo of the setup.
  14. I will say I’m extremely pleased with my 13 fishing fate black (7’-1”) med light. I really like the fact the handle is shorter than most. The guides are straight and the wraps are well done. It’s also light in hand and very comfortable. As @bulldog1935 said I’m happy enough with this line next time I would up the budget for a Omen Black. As far as a all around spinning rod I would definitely recommend the med power in the Fate Black lineup.
  15. I’ll throw my recommendations in for what it’s worth. On the spinning side I use a 13 fishing fate black 7’-1” med light also available In medium down to 6’-7”, my current reel is a 13 fishing reel with 8 lb braid and I throw Ned heads on it almost exclusively. I love this rod due to the imo shorter handle. My plan is to replace the reel with either a BPS carbonlite 2.0 which I have or a Piscifun Carbon X of which I have (3) two 1000 and a 2000 size. Both the rod and reels can be purchased for around $80.00 each so under your $200 budget. I can’t comment much on the casting side as my only med light is a BPS crankin stick, thanks again to @FrnkNsteen which I’m currently trying to pair with a Piscifun reel I purchased a few years ago that came with a bfs spool. I can say I’ve used the rod with the reel and 10 lb monofilament but didn’t really throw anything too light weight as I’m trying to see if bfs gear is for me. If so I’ll probably go down the path @bulldog1935 recommends which is a bfs spool for my Tatula CT which you should be able to find or a Fuego CT at a reasonable price.
  16. I’m thinking @bulldog1935 might know something about this reel. I only say this as I’ve only seen him comment about them on here.
  17. Not sure if you’re looking for right or left handed? But I’m thinking of selling a BPS Carbonlite 2.0 combo (left handed retrieve) in your price range. PM me if you’re interested.
  18. I know I’m late to this topic but I’m wondering if you’re referring to the poem or the Iron Maiden song ? Either way I don’t fish out of any vessel but after experiencing dehydration as a apprentice carpenter who drank too much soda pop and not enough water I do whatever it takes too make sure I drink enough water after a 24 oz coffee first thing in the morning. Heat stroke/dehydration is no flipping joke and scary enough you don’t even know it’s coming on until it’s too late. I’ll never forget or relive the pain of that day and always carry enough water or cash to buy water if needed. Be safe out on the water or shorelines.
  19. I know it’s not what you’re asking about specifically but you can try Seaguar Basix for around $10.00 and see if it feels or stretches less than your current monofilament. This way you won’t be out of pocket a whole lot and you might wind up liking it, I know I do.
  20. I agree with the advice of, watch Glenn’s video on casting a bait caster and letting him try yours. Nothing wrong with that combo in my humble opinion ? Good Luck and keep us updated on the outcome ?
  21. I’m with Mn Fisher go on Amazon and get a Daiwa Fuego and as NavyToad said get a left hand retrieve. When that comes in if you have a Dicks sporting goods bring the reel and look at a Lews Carbon Fire or any of the moderately priced rods and pick up whatever feels good in your hand with your leftover budget.
  22. I can only speak on behalf of my Fate Black 7’-1” med light spinning rod. Although I don’t have a whole lot of time on the water with it I’m overall very happy and at $80.00 I think it falls into the price also. The specs are available on their website and much like you I was looking for a rod that didn’t have a extremely long handle thus making the actual rod much shorter. @bulldog1935 speaks very highly of his 13 fishing rods and may be able to add to the conversation.
  23. I personally like 2 different rods but they both have a relatively soft tip and a good backbone. For smaller 1-1/2”-2” 1/4-3/8oz which I throw the most as I fish retention ponds mostly, I like my 6’-10 Lews Carbon Fire (original Wynn grips)or Lews Hank Parker rod, same blank and guides. Unfortunately they don’t make either series anymore but I’m sure you can find an equivalent in another Lews line. Going larger 2-1/2”- 3-1/2” 3/8-3/4 oz.I’ve used my bps crankin stick in 7’-3” hvy and I’m happy with it but I don’t throw it very often as I’m not fishing big enough water to justify the size of the fish I’m catching. Im planning on adding a 7’-0”Okuma TCS med plus in the future which I feel would fall perfectly in between. As for now any rod I can use for spinner baits also is my preference.
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