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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. @TnRiver46 For what it’s worth my advice is to not skimp on the decking in terms of price. Unfortunately the old adage “you get what you pay for” is very real in decking materials. I built a deck on my wife and my first house 20 years ago and used at the time a premium deck board, sold the house 4 years later but still pass by it every once in awhile. As of 3 years ago the original decking was still there. Conversely I helped my FIL build his deck and although he used a premium brand he purchased the bottom of the line decking they offered to save some money, the manufacturer recommended 12” on center spacing for the joists but we went 16” on center against my wishes and I think you know the results. After baking in the sun for a few months it looked like the decking is waving at you and some spots you can really feel the sag stepping on the boards let alone the color fading quicker than I thought it would. Like premium fishing gear (which I don’t own ☹️) the saying “buy once cry once” definitely applies.
  2. @Mike L everybody’s dogs are awesome looking but the Great Dane in that photo is very regal looking. After my parents lost the last Doberman I grew up with they moved on to Great Danes, my dad currently has 2 both rescues. Although I see you reside in Florida I’m wondering if you are/were a Chicago Bears fan? At very least between 1965-1973.
  3. Although I enjoy reading about Porsche’s, it is definitely not me on that forum?
  4. My wife turned me onto Berringer White Merlot??
  5. Count me in?I grew up with Doberman’s (4) including 1 that was especially bonded to me and my parents fostered a Irish setter also for about a year. Always had cats also growing up. My wife and I are on our 3rd German Shepard or mix of German Shepard, with these 2 being our latest. Wife loves Shepard’s, they share the house with the 2 cats my in-laws adopted for my kids many years ago. My wife found a really great organization that our current 2 kids were adopted from.
  6. Curious if anyone has any updates/used this reel for any amount of time? Although I’m not on the market for one I love all the chatter on here about gear. I know everyone is currently riding the JDM wave which I don’t fault anyone for, just a bit jealous on my end?. That’s why I figured a good old fashioned alternative/budget gear post could be fun.
  7. Sorry to hear about your pup. I’m sure he’s enjoying all those that crossed the rainbow bridge before him?
  8. I also cannot comment on the Dobyns rods having handled them in-store (fury series) but never fishing with them. Although I don’t have the TP1 black I have the previous generation TP1 in med.hvy/moderate along with 2 previous generation Carbon Fire rods and a Hank Parker signature rod. All of my Lew’s rods are well built especially at their respective price points. I will echo @Woody B in not being a rod guru, I have more expensive rods but I will say my 6’-10” Carbon Fire has been without a doubt one of my favorite purchases yet. I will admit although I don’t have a preference for grip material I have Eva and cork gripped rods as well, I love my Wynn grips but I also prefer the slimmer grip that my Carbon Fire’s and TP1 provide.
  9. @bulldog1935 It’s been awhile since I’ve had any Ballast Point brews, but the last time I did it was a variety pack that was really good. Not going to lie I would rather starve than eat pickled herring. Growing up it was a New Year’s Eve tradition to have pickled herring that my grandmother used to always partake in. I’m all in on the cold pizza though for sure.
  10. Essential supplies for sure?I’m intrigued by the double ipa ? Cheers?
  11. I too am very fortunate to work for a great owner and have a great supervisor to boot. The company owner has his office door open and is easily accessible as well as being the person I hand my paperwork into daily. Although I’ve had a few co workers over the years who got under my skin as well as one boss I really wanted to throttle, I’ve been very fortunate so far.
  12. Love me some Hall & Oates great Motown/R&B sound. Although I’m not a musician G.E. Smith sure could play guitar. I’m not technologically savvy enough to download it but one of my favorite bands are “Royal Bliss”, there song “I was drunk” is pretty relatable.
  13. I’m a broken record but welcome back and thank you for your service.
  14. My wife insisted we adopt our girl “Beauty”, for almost a full year she wouldn’t come near me and pretty much hid under our bed when I came home. Now she runs to me as soon as she hears the garage door open when I come home and she’s on me like white on rice after 2 hours on the weekend so we can take our daily walks ? P.S. Were going on 6 years with her and 4 years with her brother from another mother “Steve”.
  15. Great read Katie, made me feel like I was paddling alongside you. Looking forward to seeing your next article ?
  16. ?? For your pup. All you guys are killing me when I see the deals everybody is grabbing ?. I’m still paying for a dumb move I made that shall never be spoken of again, the bait monkey is so mad he won’t even speak to me?
  17. The Mississippi River isn’t just affecting crops, I haul powdered cement (along with other powdered goodies) for a concrete company. Our main source comes out of Festus Missouri and it’s been a struggle all year long. Other factors come into play also.
  18. I agree with everything you’re saying. But what I find scarier is the mainstream media seems to have hopped on board, and before anyone thinks I’m being political you can find it on both sides as far as the media goes in my opinion. Getting harder and harder to filter out the B.S these days to formulate your own opinion on anything.
  19. @Blue Raider Bob please don’t take my laughing reaction wrong, but your comments on having the grand kids do it? Congratulations those are some good looking healthy fish right there.
  20. Although I have a vintage reel (grandpa’s) that I’ve never fished and not sure I ever will, I have 2 80’s era spinning reels that I still use even though I have newer and arguably better reels to use. My opinion is if your happy and catching fish who cares what you’re using. With that said I’m in no way a collector or a historian but one of my favorite threads on here is the “you guys like the old stuff “ thread so @_JJMthank you for sharing photos of your gear.
  21. First off I’m out of reactions so those will have to come later. More importantly I appreciate the words of encouragement as far as working on these reels, as I’ve said before my first foray into taking apart/maintenance on my reel resulted in all the parts being put back but a reel that just wouldn’t operate properly. Although an inappropriate rant, as for the Abu reel I’m referencing this is one of the many reasons I no longer speak to my sister in law due to my brothers fishing collection being promised but never delivered to my family after his death. Seeing all these cool looking round reels on here has me thinking I may have to keep my eyes open for one after all.
  22. @bulldog1935 & @redmeansdistortion you two guys are light years ahead of me as far as your knowledge of reels?. I may not be able to break down/rebuild a reel but I can say without a doubt I sure love seeing and definitely appreciate all of you guys sharing on here?
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