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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. In my opinion Sam Darnold didn’t get any help from his offensive line these past 2 weeks and getting that kind of pressure made a huge difference. I realize he’s holding onto the ball too long which is his problem to overcome but the Rams like the Lion’s last week really ramped up the pressure and the offensive line didn’t step up in my opinion, although that’s also on the coaching staff for not preparing for this very scenario.
  2. What did he say? I clearly missed something.
  3. Although I don’t know what happened with Mike McCarthy and Dallas I did hear he wasn’t allowed to talk to the Bears and as a lifelong fan of the Bears I’m really hoping McCarthy lands a job elsewhere. My reasoning for this is the Bears in my opinion and quite a few sports radio hosts is the Bears need a leader to change the culture in the organization and McCarthy doesn’t seem like a good fit in this respect. Yes he’s a hard ass coach which I loved in Ditka but he isn’t the second coming of Ditka imho. We need a leader who can figure this messed up organization out not a my way or the highway kind of guy, again just my personal opinion.
  4. I for one feel if the Texans take advantage of the fact that the Chiefs have basically rested their starters for 3 weeks and score quickly and hopefully at least twice they might have a chance. The biggest problem with my theory is Andy Reid is imho the best coach at making halftime adjustments.
  5. Smart 👍🏻
  6. Josh Allen is the epitome of composure under pressure.
  7. @volzfan59 One of these days I have to try fly fishing. One of my local tackle shops the owner used to have a class but I’m not sure if he still does 🤔 Either that or I’ll just have to visit @TnRiver46 if he’s still teaching down there 😃
  8. I used to fish rubber legged foam spiders on spinning gear using the smallest clip on float I could find to get enough weight to cast them out.
  9. @papajoe222 I’m in New Lenox Illinois and have xfinity also, channel 330 is the Outdoor channel here and they show all the shows that detroit1 is referring to.
  10. My dad has been giving his 2 Great Danes glucosamine for a couple years now and swears by it. We’re getting ready to do the same for our older dogs as per the vet also and just picked up a senior formula dog food that has both glucosamine and chondroitine added to the food.
  11. @CoryRobertLowe I fish a few retention ponds in my immediate area and one thing they all share in common is they are in neighborhoods which means the weeds are dense from the fertilizer runoff, also I fish from the shore so in my case it’s longer casts that I try to run parallel towards the weed edges if that makes sense. I am also going to try small spoons this season as we have a pretty good amount of crappie in the ponds but the bluegills dominate other than early spring and late summer/fall. As far as slower to strike I’ve not found that to be the case and usually the larger more dominant ones will strike first. I forgot to mention another favorite lure is a small rattle trap which if I can keep it out of the weeds the bluegills seem to really like it.
  12. @gim 13 years, that’s awesome. She is a good looking dog. Although my in laws were not hunters my FIL had a soft spot for labs and had 2 black labs at different times during which he was a boater which both the dogs and myself got to enjoy.
  13. @CoryRobertLowe Much like yourself and at least a handful of us on here I enjoy using lures for panfish with my favorites being in no particular order a hair jig (vmc) being a favorite in 1/16th ounce, a road runner or other under spin in both marabou and plain head with a gulp alive 1”-3” minnow as the body and a 1/16th ounce in line spinner. I much like @volzfan59 have a few different setups in both ultra light and light powers and have enjoyed personal messaging with him about some of our favorites. Although I don’t catch really big ones I do enjoy sharing and looking at the pictures on the “other species catch” on this site.
  14. Same here😉
  15. I guess I’m into old school 😉
  16. So after rereading this thread I was going to edit my post but figured I’ll start a new one. One of my aforementioned rods is a 7’-0” medium light powered fast action even though it’s very moderate action rod. It’s rated for lures 1/16th-1/2 ounce and it pretty much only saw either a 1.5 square bill at 3/8 ounce or a 1/8 ounce inline spinner but both of those lures were thrown with the same reel that I finally settled on with 10 pound big game monofilament. My point is if you’re looking to throw light lures get a moderate fast rod and put a reel on there you’ll enjoy.
  17. I have 2 cranking sticks from bps and use or have used various reels which carry anywhere between 120-150 yards of 10 pound monofilament. But I have also used a Tatula 80 on the above rods and had no issues with any of them. If you really feel the need for maximum casting distances or really heavy monofilament then I guess I’d understand wanting say a Tatula 150 or 200 or even a Lews BB1 but I don’t personally see the need for it in my situation.
  18. Oh you and me both 😃 As far as the game last night it was a great display of coaching on both sides of the ball for both teams but in the end the creativity from the Lions defensive coordinator was just too much in my opinion and really got into Sam Darnold’s head, again that’s just my opinion. I will say though that I know I’ve said in the past although I’m a diehard Bears fan I knew we didn’t have a chance this year and my wife and I are both huge fans of Dan Campbell’s so I was really happy with last night’s outcome and hope they can continue with mine and my wife’s superbowl dream match up being Detroit vs Buffalo.
  19. I have the 2000 sized shallow spool Miravel mounted on a 6’-8” bps panfish elite ultralight rod with 8 pound Daiwa J-braid x-8 and I find the spool capacity is lacking for my needs of shore fishing. The specs say it will hold a 100 yards of 4 pound power pro but I’ll be darned if I can find 4 pound power pro for sale anywhere which is leading me to either 6 pound J-braid or 4 pound braid from overseas. My point is depending on your capacity needs be mindful.
  20. You might want to just sell off one or 2 of those reels and just purchase a bfs reel as has been mentioned. You can currently log into Ali Express and purchase a Kastking Zephyr or Soloking bfs reel for under $40.00 although they seem to have line management issues or for under $65.00 you can get a Tsurinoya Dark Wolf which I believe gets some favorable reviews even on this site. In the spirit of being transparent I’m by zero means a bfs guy although I’ve been trying with a Piscifun Saex Elite bait cast reel that came with both a standard and shallow (bfs) style spool along with a shallow spool Shimano Miravel spinning reel and I’m planning on grabbing a Tatula XT bfs rod this season. I will lastly mention my friend and bass resource member @bulldog1935 had shared a Gomexus 🤔 bfs spool that will fit a Daiwa Tatula 80 reel that you might find used (reel that is), or fairly priced on any of the Japanese domestic fishing sites or if you’re not comfortable with purchasing over seas you can buy the Tatula 80 at Bass Pro during the spring sale and trade in one of your Piscifun reels and get $40.00 off the Daiwa I believe as that was what they were offering last year.
  21. I have the same braid in 8 pound on a spinning reel I used for ned rigs and absolutely love this stuff.
  22. I’m also going to add I have a Carbonlite 2.0 spinning reel in 1500 size and again although I’m just not a fan of the white/gold and silver color scheme, I know it’s a Daiwa made reel and I will not be giving this reel up as it was a steal at $50.00 when I bought it during one of their annual spring classic sales. I will have zero regrets sending it into the BPS service center when and if I need to also.
  23. I had a Carbonlite 2.0 in white & gold colors. Although I didn’t care for the color the reel was a pleasure to cast as it had dual brakes, held its spool tension no problem and the drag was smooth while hooked up to albeit not large bass and crappie by any means but smooth nonetheless. The only reason I sold the combo off was the reel just didn’t fit my hand for some reason, I tried handling the new black colored version this past spring (2024) and as much as I wanted to like it there’s just something about the ergonomics that just don’t fit me. With that said I would hope you’re able to find any replacement parts needed even if you have to do a little cross referencing/searching as I previously posted I was able to do the same for my Piscifun Saex Elite which is the same reel as an Ardent Elite with a different color scheme. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy that reel and heck BPS has a really generous warranty and as I also reported on here I was really impressed with their service department which unfortunately is in Missouri but impressed me enough that I would have no regrets recommending them especially for a BPS branded product.
  24. I’m really looking forward to a kick butt game.
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