I had a Carbonlite 2.0 in white & gold colors. Although I didn’t care for the color the reel was a pleasure to cast as it had dual brakes, held its spool tension no problem and the drag was smooth while hooked up to albeit not large bass and crappie by any means but smooth nonetheless. The only reason I sold the combo off was the reel just didn’t fit my hand for some reason, I tried handling the new black colored version this past spring (2024) and as much as I wanted to like it there’s just something about the ergonomics that just don’t fit me. With that said I would hope you’re able to find any replacement parts needed even if you have to do a little cross referencing/searching as I previously posted I was able to do the same for my Piscifun Saex Elite which is the same reel as an Ardent Elite with a different color scheme. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy that reel and heck BPS has a really generous warranty and as I also reported on here I was really impressed with their service department which unfortunately is in Missouri but impressed me enough that I would have no regrets recommending them especially for a BPS branded product.