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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. I placed an order at Tackle Warehouse on behalf of my mother in law for my Christmas gift. I ordered a Okuma TCS-A 7’-0” medium plus.
  2. Okuma TCS A, I have a 7’-3” hvy and it’s really versatile. Although I don’t use one the Okuma psycho stick receives a lot of praise from @roadwarrior. Both will be under your budget with the Tackle Warehouse sale going on now.
  3. I’m not looking to get scientific but what/how/who came up with this combination?
  4. How in the bloody he double hockey sticks did you score that deal? I check their Black Friday sales quite often and at least on my end they’re not offering much this year. Never mind me just saw the deal??
  5. I’ve been lucky enough to be using Spotify since 2016. My oldest son got it as a Christmas present for his mom, me and his younger sister and brother. Although I know nothing about Pandora I enjoy when Spotify recommends artists based on what I’m listening to at the time.
  6. I have 1 rod with micro guides a Wright & McGill rod I purchased at Wal-Mart. I run 10 pound Suffix Advance Mono through the guides and I love it. I’ve run crank baits, spinnerbaits and Texas riggged tubes and I feel I can cast more accurately and a tad further on this particular rod. With that said I have a few more rods and all but one other have standard guides so I’ve never gone out of my way to find/purchase micro or smaller guides on my rods.
  7. Okuma tcs-a 7’-0” medium plus or 7’-0” medium heavy. Sign up for the Tackle Warehouse discount and it will get you within your $120.00 budget. I have the 7’-3” heavy and am ordering the 7’-0” medium plus due to the soft tip with a great backbone making the lineup very versatile imho. I also have a EVX-B 7’-2” fast and I feel the same way with that rod, under priced for what you are purchasing ?
  8. I was thinking the same thing.
  9. Nice buy?? I love the feeling of getting a good deal.
  10. My wife and I have successfully raised, at least to the best of our knowledge our 18 year old daughter to be comfortable in her own skin. I really enjoy and appreciate the song and I’m glad it’s turned into a hit for this young lady.
  11. Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. Does anyone know what the St. Croix factory BF sale discount on the rods is going to be? And before anybody says shop at Tackle Warehouse I’m looking for a Avid Panfish series rod. I appreciate any feedback. Thanks
  12. I have the same reel. I mounted mine on a 7 foot rod loaded it up with 10 pound seaguar basix fluorocarbon and use it to throw spinnerbaits. It’s not a low capacity spool such as the 70 series reels. It’s meant for throwing lighter baits easier but mine does just fine with the way I’m using it.
  13. My favorite was and still is a meal/tradition my mother started many years ago. For Christmas Eve she made as many beef tenderloins and just as many side dishes as it took to fill up the table that was surrounded by myself my two brothers and my sister surrounded by all of their/my kids and 3 out the four in laws. Although quite a few of the family members are no longer with us including my mother it’s a tradition that is still carried on by my sister and one that is looked forward to by everyone who is able to attend.
  14. You sir took the words out of my mouth. Thankfully mine was a low level Daiwa 20 years ago, never attempted since?
  15. That is a what I call a keeper ?. Happy Birthday ???
  16. One of the few things I like about snow these days is watching my dogs enjoying it? Awesome video and Kya is beautiful A-Jay.
  17. We don’t haul the sludge. We get it in powder form, think the consistency of flour. It’s hauled in enclosed tank trailers The power company doesn’t mess around when it comes to overflow or spills, they have a team of laborers there cleaning it up before you can even call to let someone know what happened.
  18. Although I do not own a boat and therefore never fish Lake Michigan, I haul fly ash for a concrete company as part of my job. We get it directly on the shores of Lake Michigan and I love walking the 15 feet to the fence line looking at some of the biggest Salmon and Brown Trout I’ll probably never fish for. On several occasions this year I’ve witnessed fishermen/fisherwomen battle and land some pretty impressive fish. John Gillespie of “Wisconsin Waters& Woods” does/has done a few shows on the same stretch of water. I hope I don’t get in trouble for mentioning the tv show? This is truly scary and sad.
  19. I’ll let you borrow one of mine?
  20. I purchased a Favorite Soleus last year during Dick’s Black Friday sale for $50.00. I also grabbed a Favorite Lit reel for $30.00 but returned that one. I’m pleasantly surprised with my Soleus and would definitely grab another if I saw that deal again.
  21. @AlabamaSpothunter I agree that is one awesome looking combo ?. Can’t wait to see/read how it does on your beloved spots.
  22. @Mike L wow 150 lbs is a healthy boy? My parents had one “Jake” which I believe was right around the same size. He was a harlequin who’s bark used to shake the walls ?. My brothers and sister and myself never worried about anyone trying to be stupid enough to break into their house when they had him, even though they’re usually sweet once you got into the house. The Doberman’s on the other hand wouldn’t make a sound until you stepped into the house. And you better pray they knew you belonged. When I was young my neighbor and I would purposely hit the wiffle ball over the fence and make our other neighbor go get it while my boy (Doberman) was watching, he never moved until our neighbor would go to hop the fence then he’d bark like mad at him all while his nubbin tail would be wagging like crazy? He would never think to bite him but man he loved scaring the ?out of him. Reflecting on it now it was very childish but d**n it was funny watching my neighbor’s reaction? And yeah don’t sleep on our Bears as it looks like the pieces might have finally been put into place for a future team?
  23. @TnRiver46 In my opinion Trex is the longest running composite decking company for a reason with a close second being Timber Tech. I know there are more available but these 2 have been around the longest. For what it’s worth the deck I built on my previous house I used Timber Tech. On the tube there is a channel by the name “the ultimate deck shop” can’t say I watched the videos but they have quite a few to watch which may help also.
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