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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. I have tomorrow off and there is football on tonight, so why not?
  2. Both the Zonker and Chicken Jig work very well for the panfish in my local retention ponds. I’m not sure if they are are widely available as I bought them in one of my local tackle shops. The paint has held up perfectly on the Chicken Jig vs the generic 2 on the top. If you’re interested I can see if there is any more information on the Zonkers jig.
  3. Japan Lure Shop is also a good place to shop. Bonus is they send a free lure with your purchase.
  4. That’s an awesome looking reel?. @WRB might be able to fill in the gaps on information.
  5. I have 3 Carbon X spinning reels that get used quite often. I have a Saex Elite casting reel which is a dual braked/different colored Ardent Apex Elite still available on overseas sites, I got mine when they were blowing them out and no longer selling them direct. And I have a Spark I paid around $35.00 for shipped to my door. The Spark won’t hold any adjustments longer than a dozen casts and wasn’t used much and will no longer be used. The Saex has honestly been an extremely enjoyable reel that I feel would benefit from a deep cleaning/service and the Carbon X reels have been used every time I fish. With that said I’m not targeting 5 lb plus bass but I’ve enjoyed them enough to recommend them several times on here. I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on the Alloy M as I’m looking at one for a specific rod and I’m thinking it will be similar to my Daiwa CA80 that I’m a fan of.
  6. ? YES ?
  7. No sarcasm intended, I actually enjoy the taste of Hamms. I’m more of an IPA guy and I enjoy ice cold Corona as well but I really do like the taste of Hamms.
  8. I enjoy quite a few different brands of beer, Hamms is my favorite go to for cheap beer with a good taste?.
  9. Although I’m going back more years than is probably relative here. I purchased a 2 piece premiere many years ago on clearance at DSG, I broke the tip closing it in my car door a handful of years ago. When I asked a local shop about replacing the tip they suggested calling and asking St Croix if there was another solution. When I called and explained the situation they asked for the information on the blank and only charged me shipping costs for the new top half even though I explained everything to them including not filling out the original warranty card upon initial purchase.
  10. Although my “collection” pales in comparison in both size and price range to many on here I have a problem in that I cannot leave a rod without a reel on it. Stupid I know and I’ve bought some lower end reels to fill the holes which didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped.
  11. These are great, cheaper price and ready to go right out of the package. I’ve got get ahold of some of these.
  12. I’m very sorry to be reading this. RIP Brady ?? enjoy your friends across the rainbow bridge ☹️
  13. No shame in the minivan game? My wife therefore I drives a 2009 Sienna. I inherited a 2005 dodge caravan that has less than miles than the Toyota and my 2009 Ford Focus. It also has way more rust ?. Before the caravan I fit everything up to 7’-3” rods in the Ford with the passenger back seat folded flat.
  14. He’s absolutely adorable ??
  15. @Rockytop when you’re done adding a picture select show size and it will give you options to add the size of the file in the right hand corner. I hope this helps.
  16. Regardless of weight that is a beautiful fish ??
  17. You’re killing me sir???
  18. Just looking at this picture is giving me heart palpitations ?
  19. When it comes to television shows I’ll watch pretty much all of them but 3 I really enjoy for different reasons are “waters & woods” straight up catching with some great personalities (Pete Maina) is my favorite guest, Mark Zona love his humor and passion for fishing and finally the one show I find myself not wanting to miss “Lindner’s Angling Edge” heck for that matter anything done by the Lindner’s. Although I don’t fish from a boat, have/use electronics, or fish for Al’s favorite specie (walleye) I find their shows to be a good combination of everything I want in a show. It helps I enjoy many of the brands they promote and they mostly fish the Midwest particularly Minnesota but I do love the content and I personally enjoy the ending segment as well, anyone who’s watched the show knows what I’m referring to. As far as You Tube my personal favorite is DEBO’S fishing, I’ve been watching him since he was reviewing/using Kast King products to now using quite a few top end reel’s from many different companies. His channel is quite varied and although I’ve not tried it I enjoy his lure painting videos as well.
  20. You could have given me a hundred guesses and I would have never gotten it. Really cool of you to share and provide the history lesson behind the lure.
  21. What he said x 2?
  22. Greetings from Illinois ?
  23. @Blue Raider Bob I’ll echo the same with nice job on the fence. I’m fortunate living in Illinois as most of the areas around me were cornfields, not many obstacles in my way of digging. I’ll never forget being a first year apprentice and being handed a gas powered auger. I had 8 hours to prep/create as many post holes as possible. I got through the first 1/2 dozen and when I got on #7 and my breaker bar couldn’t pull the rock out I told my foreman who suggested (not so politely) that I figure out how to get the hole dug. Well I smoked that bit so bad the dang tip was practically worn down to nothing. After 2 hours on the same hole and my foreman making some heated phone calls it turns out we were working on an old parking structure that was demolished and back filled with the base layer being left behind ?
  24. Reading the post above reminds me of being a child and listening to my father who was a QC manager at a well known company. He said the upper management had treated the employees like garbage and argued as much. He taught myself and my siblings that no matter your role from the janitor to the CEO everyone deserves to be treated with respect and when that is lost bad things will eventually happen. He left that company shortly after and within a handful of years the company went under. It’s a life lesson I’ve never forgotten. I’m certainly no boss by any means in fact I’ve said it before I drive a truck for a concrete company but the owner of our company has always treated everyone who works here fair and with respect . In fact I just had a great conversation about last weekends Michigan game with him yesterday after work.
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