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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. I may sound ignorant, but what/where is A/E? Although I’m not one to mess with my gear due to mechanical incompetence I’m truly interested.
  2. Never in my 53 years of life watching and playing football have I ever seen anything such as this. Prayers to Damar Hamlin??
  3. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, just checked my dvr recordings schedule and todays the day. Lake Menderchuck is on the Zona show.
  4. I love my silver, black & orange Lews Hank Parker rod. I have the 6’-10” med paired with a Daiwa CA80 that I bought for $65.00, I’m ocd for color matching. I have 2 of the Lews Carbon Fire rods as well I paid $50.00 a piece for on sale, they are the original with the solid red Wynn grips. I’m not a fan of the current series even though they’re probably the same build with different colors. My favorite rod for $50.00 is without a doubt my Wright & McGill 7’-0” med powered rod I purchased from Wal Mart. I liked the rod so much I bought the 7’-2” med hvy and the 7’-2” med spinning rod. As far as cheap reels I have a Piscifun Spark which I’ve said before that will not hold adjustments and I’m not pleased with the drag. Conversely I have a Kast King royal legend 2 in 5.4:1 left hand retrieve that’s not bad for pond fishing but I wouldn’t want to chance it with bigger fish or heavy vegetation situations as the frame flexes quite a bit. I have 3 Piscifun Carbon X spinning reels that I paid $55.00 apiece for and couldn’t be happier. One more rod series although a bit pricier at $80.00 that I personally enjoy are the BPS panfish elite series rods.
  5. I concur that they were sloppy all around. I just felt they were a little better in the 2nd half. Either way they didn’t deserve or earn a win. As far as the OSU vs Georgia game not sure how OSU let that one get away.
  6. TCU definitely had the better defense and way more fight in the game tonight. Michigan offense was sloppy in the first half in my humble opinion.
  7. That’s a lot easier to swallow ?
  8. @TnRiver46 So I figured the prices were raised being a tourist location and all but I’m curious what is an average cost for say a case of Miller Lite costs in your area? I ask because my wife and I were really impressed with your state overall.
  9. I’m kicking off a 4 day weekend and watching an extremely boring football game so I figured why not?. This is part of a mixed 12 pack that I’ve enjoyed in the past with this being a new addition to some of my favorites. Not a fan of the new addition ?
  10. @TnRiver46 Correct me if I’m speaking out of my arse on this. My family and I visited your absolutely beautiful state last year and when in Nashville I ordered a locally brewed I.p.a. My wife ordered a bottle of ?Miller Lite? and both were $10.00 dollars apiece. When I questioned the server I was informed by her that this is the way it works that any and all beers were that price at that particular establishment. I then proceeded to purchase some beer for our cabin again a locally brewed I.p.a. for me and ?miller lite?for my wife and noticed the same type of comparable prices at the liquor store which blew my mind.
  11. I have this rod and it’s definitely parabolic in its action. The beauty of bps at least in my experience is the generous return policy. I mention this as I have the 7’-2” light powered version as well and it’s just a tad bit faster if that’s your preference. I believe you may have seen the attached photo but for reference this is the 6’-8” ultralight and a pre rigged Creme boot tail in 1/32 oz. I’ve never had a problem getting good distance from this setup. As a color match guy myself I’m hoping to pick up that exact reel also.
  12. Looking forward to hearing all about the trip ??
  13. We’re not able to purchase Yuengling here in Illinois. I can and have purchased it in Indiana. When my daughter was younger we would go into Indiana for her swim meets. I’m out of likes so this will have to do. ??
  14. You’ve still failed to respond if you have or currently do drink it? From your earlier comment I’m assuming not the night before a fishing trip ??. I blame @TnRiver46 and @DitchPanda for taking me down this path ??. PS I loved the commercials. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Grain Belt but I’m going to assume it’s similar to Steel Reserve ?. Malt liquor at its finest?
  15. I’m assuming you’re not a fan of “From the land of sky blue waters”…..? I’ve never heard that one but you can bet I’m going to use that saying ?. Maybe this one is more to your guy’s liking’s ?
  16. I picked up my favorite “cheap” beer on Wednesday and enjoyed a few after finishing a small project. Killed the rest after work Thursday & Friday ?
  17. I appreciate the heads up. I could tell the Saex Elite and Ardent Elite are the same. I would definitely pick up another Saex Elite if I can find it at what I consider a good price. Just checked and they have them for $98.00 with a bfs spool included.
  18. @Buzzbaiter Just saw this on the Piscifun website
  19. I’m with @T-Billy for $79.99 you can’t beat the bps panfish elite, Fuji guides and reel seat and pretty sensitive for the price. If you can wait until the bps spring classic you can trade in the rod or reel and get the rod down to $65.00 which is what I did. As far as the reel I’m with @mrpao on the Piscifun Carbon X reel, I have 3 of them and paid around $55.00 shipped from Amazon. Again if you can wait to trade in both the rod and reel during the bps sale you can pair the rod with a Daiwa Legalis LT $70.00 reel should be $55.00 if bps continues with the trade ins. Here’s my 2 a 6’-8” ultralight and 7’-2” light power.
  20. Although im no expert in fishing line I’ll add for what it’s worth I have 2 spools of their 4 lb line and 1 spool of their florokote line in 4 lb test. The florokote has been on the reel for 3 seasons and although I’m not catching monster fish it’s held up extremely well and honestly has not coiled up nearly as bad as I thought it would. The 4 lb mono I bought last season and my only complaint is the blue color faded a lot faster than I expected but the red color shows no signs of fade whatsoever. Again I’m not catching monsters but I’ve experienced no problems with knot failures or inconsistencies in the line whatsoever. YMMV
  21. Welcome Frank from Illinois.
  22. Hello and welcome from Illinois. Congratulations on the PB’s.
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