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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. I’ve seen some guys ahead of me trading in some older (white) stradics and more than a few Daiwa baitcasters over the times I’ve done it. As far as the cash for clunkers if I’m not mistaken the dealers were only allowed to possibly sell the vehicles for parts at the time ?Maybe one of our dealer mechanics can correct me if I’m mistaken.
  2. The color looks like the new KVD Lews color.
  3. I’ll agree with @FrnkNsteen the past 2 years I purchased their Panfish Elite rods for $65.00 which was about 20% off, not anymore with the new trade in prices.
  4. I’ve taken advantage of it quite a bit over the years. I bought a Tatula Ct a few years back getting it for $105.00 after the trade in which was about 20% off at the time. The key is as @gimruis said to try to maximize your trade in value to get the best amount off.
  5. I hope you’ll be as happy as I am with the rod?
  6. @Fishin Dad I have 2 of the panfish elite rods 7’-2” light and 6’-8” ultralight and I throw pre rigged 1/32 ounce jig heads with a little boot tail plastic (Northland Tackle Slurpies), on the ultralight. As far as the quality I don’t own high end rods but I’m very happy with these rods, the Fuji guides are straight and cleanly wrapped and I’m very happy with the Fuji handle also.
  7. That picture almost looks 3-dimensional on my phone. I can only imagine how cool it is in person.
  8. I’ve just recently learned of Isuzu reels by our own @bulldog1935But check out these color combos? and yes that’s the color combo chart.
  9. @nhpleasantlakebass I also use the Daiwa J-Braid X8 (grey) for Ned rigs although mine is on a spinning reel. Also found my spool at “Sierra” although don’t remember what I paid? I’m absolutely loving it. I appreciate the feedback and best of luck with the kick butt haul and lastly I love the look of that ambassador.
  10. So a few questions and an observation. Which Lews rod is that and curious about the ambassador and swim bait pairing? As for the observation I can’t help but notice that you’re quite all over the place with the fishing lines. I like it?
  11. Although I’m no fashion expert just ask my wife and kids?I was raised by a father who always tried to look put together and somehow managed to never get grease on his favorite pair of Levi’s working on the car,appliances and so on a trait that I didn’t inherit. As I’ve grown older one thing that does appeal to me is matching my rods and reels with the hardest for me being my Daiwa CA80, I found it’s match in the Lews Hank Parker rod. I’m also kind of OCD about matching price points with my gear?. Maybe I should be seeing a shrink ?
  12. I’m in no way mechanically inclined as I’ve said before but I had the same issue with a reel last year. It turned out to be nothing more than the handle knob being slightly bent on the post which I was happy to have fixed with a soft jaw pliers and a little muscle. Hope this helps.
  13. Gotta love when they give you something you not only want but want to use?
  14. I too agree that the selection of rods are so vast it’s impossible to try before you buy in many cases. With that said I trust in the opinions of the members on this site as well as the reviewers and had purchased 2 Okuma rods that I really tried to see/feel beforehand and I’m glad I took the chance.
  15. Never noticed the resemblance but dang @ol'crickety now I’m never going to unsee it?. Agreed on Bowie being the coolest and also was fortunate to see him although it was way too many years ago.
  16. Yes and no, the gentleman demonstrating had a video going showing it being paddled with feet sitting and arms standing .
  17. You definitely made the right decision ?. On a different note it’s my understanding talking to a gent at the Anglers Outlet display (biggest and most well rounded vendor at the show), the original owner sold and the new owner is looking to grow/expand the business which is a total plus for us in my humble opinion.
  18. Here’s my 2 oldies but goodies. The Ryobi is mounted to the rod in the photo and the Daiwa is generally bounced onto a few different rods ?t
  19. I’m glad and sad to hear it’s not just my local show that’s gone in the crapper. Congratulations on the 26 years. I will say I hope your local DSG doesn’t down size the way mine has, the fishing department has shrunk to I think 4 maybe 5 aisles and nothing even good at that.
  20. I was at my local fishing/outdoor show yesterday and came across this ?….I don’t know what to call it. Anyone else see this or heard of it? Sorry in advance about the photo quality. Just curious more than anything at this point.
  21. Wondering if anyone went to the Tinley Park show I referenced above? If anyone did I was wondering your thoughts. I went yesterday and I was a bit disappointed, although it’s been many years since I went I felt there weren’t as many vendors as there could have been and certainly no real show specials. I did take a few business cards but didn’t purchase anything as again I felt nothing really stood out. I was also a bit disappointed to only see 1 boat vendor, although I don’t own a boat or plan on purchasing one I know in the past they were more prominently on display. Lastly with the popularity of canoe and kayak fishing I was extremely disappointed to see only one (hybrid) at that on display. I will try to post a photo of said hybrid in the boat section.
  22. It’s not a popular choice and it’s made in China but I have 2 Piscifun Carbon X 1000 reels that I love. $59.99 on Amazon currently.
  23. My wife did one of these tests on one of our beloved rescue’s, it’s pretty cool to see the mixture. And I couldn’t agree with @Mike L more, nothing but shelter/throwaway’s for my wife and I from these 2 going forward?
  24. If you’re hell bent on staying around $50.00 for the combo bps has one available. Although I would choose something better, you’re definitely looking at a pre matched combo which are mostly from your bigger retailers i:e bass pro shop, dicks sporting goods or academy.
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