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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. Sending positive thoughts from Illinois ??
  2. @Team9nine I’m out of likes but dang you post some of the prettiest, most healthy bass I’ve ever seen out of not that large of waters. Unless I’m not seeing the actual size of the waters you’re fishing I’m blown away.
  3. Myself wife and daughter went to see Stevie Nicks this past Friday in Chicago. All I can say is lord I hope I move as well as her when I’m 75? Also her opener Nicole Atkinson from Nashville was amazing as well.
  4. I would have never thought to use zip ties. Thanks for the tip ?
  5. I’m somewhat with @slonezp as I live in the suburbs of Chicago. As far as deep dish I love me some Giordano’s but my family’s go to is a franchise called Pizza Mia which just so happens to be 2 minutes from my house so my wife and I have been supporting the owner ever since we moved in going on 17 years. Every once in awhile though we get Dominoes or The Hut. I’m also in the cold pizza for breakfast club.
  6. You can buy burner tube brushes also.
  7. @TnRiver46 I know you have to have some good similar stories in your line of work as @T-Billy mentioned ? I’m looking for that thread you mentioned first chance I have ? @Blue Raider Bob that guy was darn lucky you showed up.
  8. @Blue Raider Bob yes indeed I’m sure there are more than enough of us former (myself) and current framers to start a thread on this topic. Speaking of which those of us who’ve done it knows why I left a laughing emoji instead of a sad one ?
  9. @PhishLI Yeah I did something similar, I just bought an 18 gauge trim nailer loaded it up with 2-1/2 in nails grabbed a scrap piece of trim and proceeded to put the nail clean through the trim and my pointer finger on my left hand. Asked the wife to pull it out for me and her response was “you’re an idiot and I’m on the phone with my mom” ?
  10. @PhishLI that hurts just looking at the photo. I’m glad you’re alright. I’ve shot myself with a few nail guns in my day so I kind of feel your pain.
  11. @Ryanralston07 The gen 4 Revo X does have an aluminum frame.
  12. I like my 5 speed as well and as far as the side plate falling off I’ve never experienced that.
  13. As someone who owns a few of the “good “ brands and 4 Piscifun along with 1 cheap Kast King I feel like I can chime in. First off I I’ll say my $40.00 Piscifun definitely wouldn’t hold spool tension no matter what I did so it’s gone. My $40.00 shipped to my door KastKing was bought because I didn’t want to purchase another Revo X which is the only 5 speed reel in my budget and although I wouldn’t want to be hauling in 5 pound bass or even 2-1/2 pound peacock bass with it I’m happy catching 1/2-1-1/2 pound pond bass with it. My 3 Piscifun Carbon X reels have treated me well for the past several years owning them with one taking a full blown dunk which I let dry completely and it’s like nothing happened to it. I’ve told a few members on here privately about them and have received zero complaints and positive comments from their experience also. Not everyone has the budget or desire to purchase a Stradic or higher quality Shimano or Tatula or higher Daiwa but I can honestly say I’d purchase a Carbon X over a Comparable priced Pfluger or Abu Garcia such as the Revo X spinning reel which I contemplated buying prior to my 2000 sized Carbon X. My first Piscifun a Saex Elite is still available on overseas sites and is built by the same company building Ardent reels as it’s basically a different colored Ardent Elite. One of my favorite things about this site is the usually non judgmental attitude towards anyone’s gear preference but it seems there are many comments on these reels being “low end” without actual use. I’m hopeful this response doesn’t come across as me being bitter and to answer the original question I myself enjoy looking for and sometimes finding a cheaper alternative including buying used or close out gear to get myself on the water with my limited time as I’m not a professional fisherman and I try not to judge those who enjoy the highest end gear but rather enjoy reading about how much enjoyment their gear brings to them.
  14. @Woody B Although I don’t drink iced tea I’ve had this happen to me several times reading some of the comments on here myself. @ol'crickety although this isn’t a direct response to your earlier post this is yet another reason why I at least find this site so appealing in that no matter what the topic the range of answers cover every spectrum from….and I’m trying to find the right words here? from serious to silly is the best I can come up with currently.
  15. @NorthernBasser That is a sweet looking setup you put together there. Is the 13 fishing reel from the same sale? I apologize in advance if you already talked about the reel.
  16. @Darth-Baiter Part of the ticket was raffle which had my E-mail
  17. So I went to my local outdoors show earlier this year and as I posted was a little disappointed. But a nice surprise in my E-Mail was/is a 1 year subscription to Midwest Outdoors digital magazine via my $10.00 entrance fee.
  18. @LrgmouthShad & @MN Fisher I’m glad to know it’s not just me? I’m not capable of fishing with what I currently own but I’ll be if I’m not still looking ?
  19. Although I technically can’t use it until Fathers Day ? here’s my Midway “open box” reel and the rod I purchased it for.
  20. I feel like the rod would be too stiff myself. I know it’s a bit more but I have a bps crankin stick (split grip) in heavy power that handles 1/2 ounce chatter baits + trailer very well. I’m not a fan of the new handles look wise but it is comfortable. Also they show the SLX crank bait rods a bit over in price also and it appears the Lews KVD composite rods are on sale if you’re looking for composite rods. If you’re only interested in keeping the price down BPS has several rods around the same price as the inshore series. The Halo Rave III in 7’-0” med moderate fast looks like it would fit what you’re after quite well.
  21. I’ve got to agree with badfish79 as I can’t mismatch colors on my rods/reels ??
  22. So I received my Midway order on Wednesday and finally found time to give it a good look over. First off again thank you to those of you who posted about the offer and I cannot agree more that I can’t figure out what they meant by open box. The box is in perfect shape the paperwork doesn’t appear to have ever been opened the reel itself is flawless so again thank you all. Hoping to get some pictures in the tackle monkey thread.
  23. @slonezp I’m sure your grandson is happy you had the surgery.
  24. @Kirtley Howe I should’ve known as it was a relative of my grandmother both of them had a place on (for lack of a better term) Lake Koshkonong. The same man told me in order to catch a catfish I needed to step on my worm and then spit on it after I put it on the hook along with the secret formula to become a werewolf which was vinegar and cocoa powder and yes I was young and dumb and tried both secrets???
  25. @Bird Not to detract from this thread but I’ve seen a YouTube video where guys were spraying “Pam” cooking spray as a catfish attraction. Speaking of WD40 wasn’t it rumored to be made of fish oil as one of the secret ingredients?
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