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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. Picked up the newest arrival at my local grocery store Thursday and have really enjoyed these.
  2. @BigAngus752 I think it’s built into woman. @Catt whenever I drive my MIL she politely tells me to go however I want then as we’re driving she asks why would you go this way. I feel like Ralph Kramden in that moment 😆
  3. @MN Fisher Is this only available on Amazon JP? I would really love to find one of these as I really enjoy my CA80.
  4. @volzfan59 What Co-Polymer did you get? I’ve used McCoy mean green with great success many years ago and didn’t even know it was a Co-Polymer 😬🫤 And as of a few years ago I’ve really been enjoying Suffix Advance Monofilament which goes on more than 1/2 of my baitcasters.
  5. @gimruis @gimruis Dang you now I feel the need to listen to “God of thunder” 😉
  6. @A-Jay I know it’s not much but sending positive thoughts your and Lynn’s way 🙏🏼
  7. I’m impressed with my Daiwa CA80 and if you search a little you can usually find a decent deal on them. I’m a big fan of the 3 Piscifun Carbon X spinning reels I own also.
  8. @WaskaCrank12 Here’s a must watch website in my opinion and I’m sure others, Midway USA im going to include 2 examples of why although I’m not suggesting either reel just the prices. They at times offer “open box” deals which are spectacular deals for mint condition equipment.
  9. @PTasker15 Can’t you exchange it in time if it’s brand new?
  10. When I was younger and we would fish in Minnesota we always sang “There’s a skeeter on my Peter” I still find myself singing it in my head when I’m fishing😆
  11. @Way north bass guy A sincere thank you to your countrymen especially your great uncle and grandfather who proudly stood and still stand next to our service members.
  12. @AlabamaSpothunter I couldn’t agree more and if I was bit more serious about my fishing I would have jumped all over the Daiwa zillion tw that you and others have praised.
  13. @Aaron_H Having purchased both a SLX and most recently a SLX MGL see (bait monkey) thread I will agree that the MGL is a huge upgrade for the money. Although mine will not be used until next fishing season the in hand experience so far is blowing me away for the price of purchase. As a side note if I had seen the flea market forum or if I would have purchased the 6 speed from JPL I would be all over the SLX MGL being offered in the flea market.
  14. I hope I’m not double downing on this thread but I couldn’t resist the JDM market at these prices, just a tick under $115.00 dollars to my door from Japan Lure Shop.
  15. A sincere Thank You to all of our military personnel past, present and future.
  16. @redmeansdistortion If you do get either the Smith or Isuzu please post it as between you and @bulldog1935 it’s the only way I can hang in that world 😉
  17. @herder Stopped at my local grocery store tonight and they just got it in a few days ago 😃
  18. @A-Jay 🙏🏼 For Lynn stay strong as you always do.
  19. @slonezp The suspense is killing me 🤔😬 What exactly did you win? Are we talking “I’m buying a Ranger boat”money or “ I’m treating me and the grandson to Culver’s tonight” money? The exact amount doesn’t need to be disclosed. Either way congratulations 😉👍🏻🎉😃
  20. @pdxfisher I left the emoji for the last sentence 😉 It’s awesome to read a positive post such as this regarding your medical history and I wish you nothing but positive thoughts going forward. If you don’t mind my asking I’m curious why anyone would keep a sturgeon regardless of size and what exactly besides their roe is edible. I’m hopeful this question doesn’t come across as anything but curiosity considering your comment of “would have been in the keeper range if there were a season” I have nothing against legal harvesting and feel it is actually a good practice.
  21. @Boomstick I’m not trying to be ignorant but I don’t think Shimano makes a 150 size MGL in the SLX lineup. They do make a 150 MGL in the Curado and I believe higher lines.
  22. @QuirkyCarp2000 The spool is a smaller size (less line capacity) also MGL stands for mag light which means it’s lighter for a quicker start up and able to throw lighter lures. There’s a few more differences and as I offered check You Tube for a more thorough explanation.
  23. @QuirkyCarp2000 I had a standard (150) SLX that I sold off which I’m still regretting and just received my SLX MGL (70) sized spool from Japan. At the $99.00 price point I think it’s a fantastic deal. Search on You Tube and you’ll be hard pressed to find anything negative about them. If so inclined search Tackle Advisor for an in depth review or Debos Fishing for a slightly less informative but still great reel review.
  24. My favorite is when my brother shot my neighbors bobber with a BB gun while we were bank fishing in my youth and my neighbor kept setting the hook wondering why he couldn’t get a good hook set with me my brother his buddy my dad and his dad all holding a straight face for what felt like forever but was probably no more than a few minutes. Finally his dad goes over to him and fills him in on what’s happening with some colorful language to boot which made us bust up laughing even more.
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