My career path started with me graduating high school not knowing what I really wanted to do in life but knowing college wasn’t for me. After high school I worked at a local furniture store delivering furniture and worked for a great boss who along with another older semi co worker encouraged me to try to find a better career path. My mother suggested truck driver or maybe one of the trades, I took a carpentry course at the local college but nothing much came out of that. Flash forward 3 years and I met my now wife and my then 2 year old stepson (who I consider my flesh and blood and always will) and her father who was the vice president of a successful general contracting company who needless to say knew I needed a better career path and when I informed him I filled out applications for the carpenter apprenticeship program along with the operator engineer program but wasn’t chosen he said tell me which trade other than the 150 operators and I’m in. I spent 19 years as a union carpenter with my favorite 7 years at a small framing outfit run by 2 brothers who treated us like family until the housing market crashed which then led me switching to commercial carpentry working for one of the largest contractors in Chicago and the Nation as my father in law was working for them as a project manager until he retired a year and a half upon my joining the company. I was there until the great crash in 2008-2009. My wife and I then bought into a startup carpet cleaning franchise that ultimately was a bust for us and while on unemployment and begging for help a kind unemployment worker helped me get a Pell Grant which led me to my current job as a union truck driver for a local concrete company which I haul powdered products for both them and outside customers. I also ran a 48’ dump truck which I loved but the company has gotten out owning dump trucks ☹️ I’ve been with the concrete company for 9 years and have moved from the number 5 driver when there was only 5 of us to number 2 out of 7 and have trained 4 of our current drivers along with a few others who are no longer here. I love my current job and the company even more but unfortunately our busy season keeps me working 60 plus hours during the fishing season, which I’m hoping to cut back my hours in the next few years. In the end I should have just listened to my mother (who I dearly miss) in the first place. Thanks mom as you always knew what was best for me and also to my father in law who is unfortunately no longer with us 🙏