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Eric 26

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Everything posted by Eric 26

  1. @Jayd0976 I realize you pulled the trigger so congratulations on a nice setup and I’m still going to share directly from the Daiwa website anyway. The only difference may be the colored accents as I don’t remember the scheme but I believe the 6.3:1 is gold which is what you bought the 7 speed is red and the 8 speed was purple if I remember correctly.
  2. @Jayd0976 I’m not sure if this is the reel in question but if so the attached photo is directly from the US Daiwa website along with the original MSRP so it’s a good deal. As it’s been said it’s a great reel as are all Daiwa’s imho with the only drawback being that reel is not as compact as some of the newer versions but I would not let that scare you away. As far as rods if you’re looking to keep the combo on the lower end the Daiwa Aird X receives a ton of praise both here and elsewhere, although I don’t own one I’ve handled them a good handful of times enough so that I would recommend the 7’-0” medium powered rod vs the 7’-0” med. hvy. that will no doubt be recommended for the reason that I generally fish smaller retention ponds which require lighter/smaller lures that generally speaking load better on a 7’ med. powered rod, again imho.
  3. As an absolute sucker for color matching combos I REALLY dig this😉
  4. @Donald Tyson For what it’s worth I have 10 pound Suffix Advance Monofilament on a few different bait cast reels and I really like the way it handles. Also I haven’t felt the need for it but KVD line conditioning comes highly recommended on here.
  5. @e2m Although it appears you’re trying to stay on a really tight budget I’m going to suggest looking at a Piscifun Viper X for $37.00 (500 size) or $40.00 (1000 size), although I don’t own one I have 3 of the next line up Carbon X reels and they’re great reels imho. The biggest problem is the parts support is really non existent but I’ve had zero issues with my Carbon X reels.
  6. @Darrell Shep DVT is a site sponsor so if you reach out to him or google his site I’m sure he can share some photos. P.S I’ve never pursued photos as I’m not in the custom rod market currently.
  7. The last 2 days I’ve stopped at my favorite retention pond after work. Day 1 was being harassed by the bluegill throwing a spinner bait so went back an hour later with an ultralight and caught 1 bass. Day 2 yesterday brought a light powered rod with a VMC marabou jig and picked up 3 bass, a crappie, a bluegill and 1 really nice bass for the size of the retention pond. The biggest one was my first catch and it was a blast on the light powered rod 😃
  8. So I’ve been thinking about this question for quite awhile, I drive a truck so a lot of alone time to think about it 😉 and I know my immediate response was a aw heck no to question number 2😆As far as how much I’d personally spend, for me it boils down to I don’t really know what a “great” reel such as a Daiwa Zillion/Steez or Shimano Metanium or Abu Zenon feel like but I’m sure I would if money were no object. Thinking even longer, remember I drive a truck 😜 I can say I really love @bulldog1935’s ZPI Alcance and also his custom builds so I would say for reels I would tap into the skills of not only bulldog but many others on here and have something built to my specific wants including a killer powder coating job as seen on here by @evo2s197 As far as rods go I’m a little OCD for color matching so I would probably tap into site sponsor DVT to build my rods to match my killer new reels based on his recommendations after I fly down for a personal consultation. On a side note it’s funny as I had a close to this conversation with site member @MiceNReets not very long ago.
  9. @August After hearing about Japan Lure Shop from this site I’ve purchased a few reels from them including 3 Shimano reels. They have 2 tiers of shipping and they include a bonus lure which helps offset the shipping costs. The prices are shown in yen but as an example you can purchase a slx mgl shown on site as 24 slx for 15,960 yen which converts to $101.34.
  10. I feel the answer is wherever your budget lies. As an example for me at least I try to stay around or under $150.00 for rods or reels and I’m at the point in both my life and my current collection that I can be extremely patient. It also helps that I’m not the type that has to have the “latest/greatest” so I don’t mind having a few leftovers if you will. Case in point a handful of years ago I bought a Daiwa Tatula Type R for $99.00 brand new in the box that was supposedly found in the unsold stock 🤔 I didn’t care as it was brand new and a reel I wanted for quite awhile. Conversely I think my personal best bang for buck purchase has been my Shimano SLX MGL from Japan Lure Shop. As I just saw bulldog1935’s reply my next purchase;hopefully next month) will be a JDM Alphas 800 SVTW as I again personally feel that’s a reel to not miss out on at the current Japanese prices.
  11. @DitchPanda I’ll second that sentiment especially when I see what the current price is. I will add I picked up a mixed 12 pack of Three Floyd’s from my local grocery store last night and so far the standout for me is the “Age of otters” IPA 😋Although I will say the standout can graphics for me at least go to the “Zombie Ice Double Pale Ale” even though I prefer the former for taste.
  12. Welcome from Illinois 👍🏻
  13. @ol'crickety
  14. What’s the name of the podcast?
  15. @TOXIC My wife also used that book when training our first dog, a beautiful female German Shepherd named Savahna who was without a doubt the most well behaved dog we’ve had.
  16. @Bazoo maybe you can include a photo so we know what yore working with. I’m only familiar with the gulp alive crickets.
  17. Welcome from a fellow Illinois member, I’m in New Lenox myself.
  18. As I just posted in another post if you’re comfortable buying from Japan you can get either a SLX MGL or a Tatula 80 for at or just above the $100.00 price point from Japan Lure Shop at least and both will have the ability to get you into some smaller trout lures, or you can buy a bfs spool for the Tatula from Ali Express for sure as @bulldog1935 has shared the listing with me and have a dual function reel that can be used on species appropriate rods.
  19. @dixiemagnum80 As long as you’re comfortable buying from Japan my suggestions are either a Shimano SLX MGL or a Daiwa Tatula 80, the SLX is at $100 and the Tatula is at $107 available through Japan Lure Shop. I have both bought from Japan Lure Shop. If you do go to the site the SLX MGL is listed as the 24 SLX. JLS has the Tatula 100 listed for $111.49 also if you want a larger spool, their shipping is reasonably priced and with express shipping at $12.50 for my location I received my reels in under 7 days.
  20. 🤔 In this case is it better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission 🤷‍♂️
  21. One of my favorites is Mavis Staples and Jeff Tweety covering Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Wrote a song for everyone” her voice is so gritty on that track.
  22. @ol'crickety That is definitely a slice of heaven imho. Thanks for sharing the photos and of course your reporting makes it feel like being in a canoe next to you, at least for me 😃
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