I honestly would move heaven and earth or give whatever was asked of me to fish Morcom Lake in Minnesota with my departed brother. I haven’t been there or in Minnesota for that matter in 40 plus years but as a kid we went for a week every year for as long as I can remember, I have fond memories of being there with just my mom, dad, sister and my 2 brothers. It then turned into a guys only trip with my cousin and uncle then neighbors and their sons and many of my older brothers friends who were more like my big brothers than just his friends. At the time my grandfather who was no longer with us knew a gentleman who had 2 or 3 cabins on the lake and in the last trip I went on as I stopped going at 15 due to high school football camp we rented both cabins and even brought up a camper there were so many of us. It was the most amazing place as I remember with nothing to do but fish, shoot bows and arrows or BB guns and explore the surrounding woods looking for anything “cool” including a beaver skull my older brought back to boil 🤢 At night you could hear the coyotes singing or the hiss of a bobcat that if you shined a flashlight on he/she would freeze for a magical moment before running off. One of my favorite things was when we would bring the garbage to the dump down the road where the dads would take the trash out then we’d back down the road and wait for the black bears to come and enjoy the eggshells, left over pancakes and especially the bacon fat that was put into the coffee cans. As we got older my brother and I had dreamed of going to Canada together and more realistically planned to go back to Morcom Lake but I wound up becoming a step father at 21 to my then 2 year old son followed by my brother raising a son a handful of years later then the birth of my daughter followed by my son and by the time everything settled down and we could start planning that trip I lost my brother in a construction accident which is why I started this post the way I did. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this novel and also to @ol'crickety for starting it as it brought back a flood of memories which I’m thinking of as I typed this out with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. As a side note if either @gimruis @MN Fisher or anyone else ever fished there or knows what became of the lake I would love to hear about it.