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Tyson Madden

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About Tyson Madden

  • Birthday 03/07/1988

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location

    I’m from far north Idaho Boundary county. About 50 miles from where Brandon Palanick is from. 

    <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2019_04/A7E82934-72BB-4BFB-A97B-96A284ED93E4.jpeg.2b5e5108b143ab1a3b2f659c7b800500.jpeg" data-fileid="86562" data-fileext="jpeg" rel=""><img alt="A7E82934-72BB-4BFB-A97B-96A284ED93E4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="86562" data-ratio="166.67" style="height:auto;" width="384" data-src="<___base_url___>/uploads/monthly_2019_04/A7E82934-72BB-4BFB-A97B-96A284ED93E4.jpeg.2b5e5108b143ab1a3b2f659c7b800500.jpeg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></a>
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    Perkins Lake boundary county 

Tyson Madden's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. Lol that’s almost identical to the jig I was using I have now caught 3+ lb every time I’ve been out and lakes are still very cold where I’m at trick is casting a lot to same whole and being random with retrieving to get them to bite
  2. So I just fished heavy heavy cover with a jig bounced it of bottom slow retrieve and caught a 4.5 lb and 6.10 lb never caught that big of bass in one. Thanks for all your tips they helped(I fished the edge of the cover and made my bait go parallel to the hole I was fishing)
  3. I fished caught little ones, water is very cold still so I fished deep on the ledges mostly. I was loading the boat up thought I’ll go try the dock. This dock as a very long walk way to the main dock. I didn’t have any luck was walking on the long walkway and playing with my bait in the water maybe 2 feet seeing how it reacted to different jerks etc when this lunker came out from under the dock and grab it. Scared the crap out of me because my jig was only in the water maybe 15 feet in front of me lol I got her. Then today I was fishing a different lake lost a lunker on a tree in the water. Fun fact I thought bass was in deep water in cold weather. We are still in the 40s and low 30s At night. Both this fish were pretty shawllow. The fish I lost today was at the end of the tree maybe 6 feet of water. Thanks for all the advise.
  4. I seen a 6 lb pulled out of there right of the dock
  5. Thank you. When I get back I’ll fish edge then move in if no luck. I’ll post my results. It’s still cold water so be hard to get anything but get out there and see where I want to try new approach. Thanks for all the help.
  6. I’ll have to Texas rig a little better to punch. All the lakes in my local area have Lilly pads around the whole lake. Anywhere bass could possibly be? I’ve never fished deep for bass. Do you think they could possibly be on the ledge of the pads? Idk. I’m just learning new techniques to get serious about fishing.
  7. The 3-5 lbs aren’t consistent the way I have been fishing. I know they are they just not using the right technique. I use a 7foot medium action fast tip 25lb braided line for flipping in the few holes and a 8 foot heavy spinning rod for Texas rigs with same line I have a boat I use
  8. Where I’m from all the local lakes in my county (5 or 6 out of the 60 lakes have bass) have crazy amount of Lilly pads. I’ve fish top water tried to Texas through them just so much cover. Every so often maybe get lucky and get a medium sized fish. 3-5 lbs. people have caught 6-8 out by luck. So my question is how would you fish the lake/ lakes with massive Lilly pad beds to constantly catch 3-5 lbs bass? Picture included of one of my favorite lakes
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