I fished caught little ones, water is very cold still so I fished deep on the ledges mostly. I was loading the boat up thought I’ll go try the dock. This dock as a very long walk way to the main dock. I didn’t have any luck was walking on the long walkway and playing with my bait in the water maybe 2 feet seeing how it reacted to different jerks etc when this lunker came out from under the dock and grab it. Scared the crap out of me because my jig was only in the water maybe 15 feet in front of me lol I got her. Then today I was fishing a different lake lost a lunker on a tree in the water. Fun fact I thought bass was in deep water in cold weather. We are still in the 40s and low 30s At night. Both this fish were pretty shawllow. The fish I lost today was at the end of the tree maybe 6 feet of water. Thanks for all the advise.