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Everything posted by FishinBuck07

  1. That is the exact one I was referring to above! Holy Cow!! haha. I have seen one in person, they are absolutely huge!
  2. 22 ounces? That is light compared to the one glide bait they have on TW! 22" long and 43 oz!! Oh and all for the low, low price of $1200.00. I just don't get it! To each their own!
  3. Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself!
  4. I throw mine on a 7'4" Heavy with 17# fluoro, but I am no expert!
  5. Another vote for the Frittside!!
  6. Wait there is a such thing as no off season needs? Huh who would've thought that?
  7. Well right now the lure is just gonna skip across the hard top, so yeah it is a little tough to catch them! ?
  8. Told my wife last evening, if I am not on the water by mid March because of this stupid weather we are driving south with the boat for a weekend! I may hurt someone if not!!?
  9. 12# sunline assassin no matter what cover I am fishing!
  10. No but I did think that today when the mailman brought a big ol bag of DT cranks! Lol
  11. This is also my worst year, most likely because there is a new boat sitting in my garage and I can't wait to get it in the water! Been very bad on my wallet also, with tackle purchases.
  12. Some how 16 new DT series cranks showed up at the house today. Don't know who would have ordered those but I put them in a safe place!
  13. I have the MB and the MP on most of my rods, great reels for the money.
  14. I have done most of that from my float tube and figured it out after a couple times. In the float tube you have to cross their eyes the best you can. I learned that if I used a longer rod than I normally did then it made it easier flipping. Had more control of the fish the whole time!
  15. I have the Kaden 745 and that is what I use it for us jigs. Mainly football head jigs but will use a flipping jig on it also! Very light and sensitive, your arm won't get tired holding it if you are flipping a jig all day or dragging a football head jig! I haven't used the others you mentioned.
  16. Nope not here! 1/4" of ice and now 6-8" of snow on top of that, Not Gonna Happen!!
  17. Frittside 9
  18. Like T-Billy said above, I live for all days on the water. The days here in Ohio that aren't a struggle are few and far between. Our lakes are small and highly pressured so there are usually more struggles then the days they are going off and eating well. But I enjoy being out there trying to figure them out, and it makes those days when they want to eat all the better.
  19. That should be an awesome boat for the lakes you fish man!! Looks like some nice work there!!
  20. Simple fix! Just use ball head jigs! That is what I use mostly.
  21. Probably around 35 years for me! It was the one thing other than hunting that my dad and I had in common.
  22. definitely the Dredger
  23. Sorry to hear this! Very sad that people feel the need to take from others. Hope they figure something out for you!
  24. The Dobyns 705cb is a great rod for what you are wanting to use it for, that is what mine is used for and it does it very well!
  25. Every Shimano SLX reel I have fished have been great reels in their price ranges. They all fish above their price range as far as I am concerned.
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