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Everything posted by FishinBuck07

  1. That is a good looking boat! Well taken care of!
  2. No such thing as too much tackle!
  3. Swim them back to you on a steady retrieve, and shaking the rod tip the whole time. It makes the skirt flair, it may be a lot like a chatterbait, but you can throw a swim jig in a whole lot heavier cover!
  4. Super busy for pleasure boaters, the only good thing about it is they only have certain hours and an area in the lake to go full speed. All the other time it is idle only!
  5. My wife doesn't enjoy fishing, she will pick up a rod every once in a while but not much. She does however love to be on the boat, she takes a book and snacks and just sits in the passenger seat and soaks up the sun. Sorry bout your luck buddy!?
  6. Sending some prayers up for ya Catt! Get better!
  7. My picks for Chick Palaniuk Swindle Feider Christie Foutz Hopefully that gets me some points! Haha
  8. They aren't in the pack long enough for me to think about it! Straight into the tackle box they go.
  9. Wire keeper or screw lock for me!
  10. Nope I was using the Berkley Stunna, little cheaper! Lol
  11. Got out today and managed my first largie of the year, on a jerkbait! Never caught a fish on a jerkbait.
  12. Yeah I guess that makes sense, I just think he is arrogant, but definitely could be wrong!
  13. Buddy and I are going Sunday to a local lake I have never fished, so was in the boat tonight rigging and retying. We will see how it goes.
  14. Welp beautiful day here today, left work early and ran home hooked the boat up and grabbed the wife and off we went to spend the evening at the lake. Only a couple boats out and the fish weren't biting but seen a family of bald eagles and enjoyed the beautiful outdoors!
  15. If the weather stays for the weekend I will be out one day this weekend! Can't wait, ready to hear that Mercury sing!
  16. No matter the time of year, as long as their is no ice, if I see a dock I am fishing it.
  17. Looks like a great idea!
  18. Go ahead! Let us know how it all works out!??
  19. Look at the bright side, you can sell some and get a little bit of gas money!??
  20. He doesn't claim Ohio anymore anyways! Glad he fell! Just kidding he seems like a good dude and always root for him and Hunter!
  21. The Strike King cranks would also be a decent choice and a little cheaper than the DT series. I throw both, and they are both good cranks!
  22. Lose? I am sorry but I don't understand how that dude gets so much coverage, he hasn't done anything!
  23. I would think it would work for any trebled baits! Once you get the hooks into them they should stay pinned better!
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