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Allatoona GLOCKer

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About Allatoona GLOCKer

  • Birthday 01/04/1980

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    Marietta, GA
  • My PB
    Between 0-1 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    Lake Allatoona, GA

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  • About Me

    I'm firearms, cooking and BBQ, my Mustang GT, and chilling at the lake!

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  1. The net will actually be riding in one of the two rod holders on future outings. I found myself casting to my left side out of the kayak so the bag was not any trouble. As for the PFD; always. It's on me unless I beach the 'yak to get out and swim. Same for my wife. I'm pretty sure I didn't ignore the advice. I'm pretty sure because I DIDN'T IGNORE THE ADVICE. As I already mentioned, I CAREFULLY CONSIDERED IT. It ended up sitting out front anyways after I looked at mounting it to the rear. I had pretty much written off mounting it to the front until I fooled around with other ways of bring gear with me. I discovered it isn't as big as it looks in the photos and is pretty manageable. Hell, it's a KAYAK BAG. Yes, it'd be better used with a sit-on kayak, I know. And after trying it out, it actually works for me. But thank you for your concern.
  2. Let me preface this post with this; I didn't just ignore the advice I was given about mounting my milk crate bag on the front of the kayak. I took it under careful consideration, and after actually trying it out, I discovered it actually works for me! I think it works because I'm 6'3". It's not in the way; I can cast and paddle without issues and see over it nicely. It puts my tools right where I need them! Anyways, I worked on my kayak and here is how it turned out: Before: After: It's very comfortable! Everything is mounted so it doesn't get in the way of any other function (the rods don't interfere with paddling, when stored, the paddle doesn't interfere with casting, etc.). I backed almost all of the rivets with metal washers, so I'm hoping for some longevity there. I have to say, I've only riveted one other thing in my life (a replacement exterior door handle on my 1998 Ford Explorer lake-house-hauler lovingly referred to as "The Turd"), and it's a royal PITA!!! I still need to install the mesh storage bag in the cockpit, and rig up an anchor trolley. I'm also going to get a cheap cup holder for the cockpit too. I really like this thing!!!! And I'm all in for about $380 so far!!!
  3. I appreciate the advice. I'll start minimalist and go from there. Upgrading to a different kayak probably won't happen. I want to keep my marriage AND I'd like to get my hands on a bow rider this or next lake season. So I've got to make what I have work. Last season I found it comfortable enough for tooling around in the coves near my cabin. I'll start with the flush mount rod holders, paddle holder, and the net-bag storage in the cockpit for now. My plans have always been to start out with one rod and see if I could manage two from there. In my line of work we're fond of the "two is one, one is none" idea when it comes to gear. That's why I'd like to eventually have two rods on board and why I was considering bringing that gear bag to have whatever lures and tools neccessary to get my rod back into action should I screw something up. But I'll start minimal.
  4. darn. Alright. Too tall up front? The milk crate bag is insulated so I was thinking it'd be nice to have a couple of waters in it.
  5. My wife and I bought a small cabin on a local lake last summer and I bought myself a pretty basic kayak to enjoy. Recently, I decided to get into fishing; why not combine the two?! I'm starting with a pretty basic kayak; a Lifetime Zenith. I bought some j-hooks with rivets and I'm thinking that I'll mount my milk crate kayak bag just in front of the cockpit. I should be able to strap it onto the deck with the gear pouches facing me. I've got stretchable lanyards on all my gear in those pockets so I'll be able to access them and use them without fear of giving them to the lake. I've got two of these fishing rod holders that I'll mount on either side of the kayak behind the cockpit. Some other things I've got for my kayak include: Pad eyes to clip a rod leash to Mesh sack that rivets to the inside of the cockpit for a little storage waterproof cell phone bag paddle holder to rivet onto the kayak life jacket anchor At this point I have a small anchor that I found in a storage closet outside my cabin. I need a suitable rope for it still and I'm thinking of eventually adding a trolley system to the kayak. I'll also be picking up a simple, cheap cup holder to clip onto the lip of the cockpit for water bottles. Is a trolley system all that necessary? Do you do trolley systems on both sides? Do you guys have any recommendations or advice to offer? Thank you for any help or suggestions!
  6. I can't remember the line. It's a 10 lb line and I paid $12 for it. LOL When I get a chance I'll check it. I got it from Cabelas...
  7. Thanks again guys! My rod is a medium action, and I prefer casting sidearm (There are low power lines run out to the dock behind where I stand). I really tightened that knot down hard and I didn't wet the line. I have a feeling that was my screw-up. Thank you!!!!!!
  8. Thank you. I tried to delete this post and move it to the correct sub forum and seemed to have messed it up really good. I didn't properly copy my text and now my original post is lost... DOH! I certainly DIDN'T wet my line. I didn't know that was a thing. Lesson learned!
  9. I posted in this in the wrong area, and tried to copy and paste it into the correct sub forum. I then lost the original post. SORRY! Long and short of it is I tied a Palomar knot to a swivel clip and attached a nice hard swim bait that I lost after about 12 to 15 casts. The 10 lb line failed at the knot. Bye-bye really nice swim bait!
  10. I wasn't a serious fisherman the last time I got into this, about 17 years ago, and just for a couple of years. I had one fishing rod and I'd catch crappie, bass, and catfish regularly. I found it relaxing and enjoyable to be out by the water! My wife and I bought a small cabin on a lake last summer; it's only about a 30 min drive from our house and I get out there as much as I can. A couple of weeks ago I decided I want to fish again, so I bought a cheap Zebco combo without knowing what I was doing... ...it's a spincast reel. Once I figured out what I had bought, I ended up going out and buying an Ugly Stic combo and a bunch of different lures. So far I've done a little dock and bank fishing, but I'm collecting stuff to rig my kayak up. Wish me luck!
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