Let me preface this post with this; I didn't just ignore the advice I was given about mounting my milk crate bag on the front of the kayak. I took it under careful consideration, and after actually trying it out, I discovered it actually works for me! I think it works because I'm 6'3". It's not in the way; I can cast and paddle without issues and see over it nicely. It puts my tools right where I need them!
Anyways, I worked on my kayak and here is how it turned out:
It's very comfortable! Everything is mounted so it doesn't get in the way of any other function (the rods don't interfere with paddling, when stored, the paddle doesn't interfere with casting, etc.). I backed almost all of the rivets with metal washers, so I'm hoping for some longevity there. I have to say, I've only riveted one other thing in my life (a replacement exterior door handle on my 1998 Ford Explorer lake-house-hauler lovingly referred to as "The Turd"), and it's a royal PITA!!!
I still need to install the mesh storage bag in the cockpit, and rig up an anchor trolley. I'm also going to get a cheap cup holder for the cockpit too.
I really like this thing!!!! And I'm all in for about $380 so far!!!