I fish a 1448 Lowe flat bottom with a 25 hp from ponds with no ramp up 19,000 acre lakes with no problems. I've looked at the Lunds and they are nice but it might be challenging at poor boat ramps. It should definitely handle 5,000 acres easily.
If the hook point is exposed on a deeply hooked fish I'll cut the hook with my compound cutters and pull out the remaining section of hook with my pliers. If the point isn't exposed I'll cut it close as possible.
A couple years ago I hooked up my boat and went by and picked up my buddy that has a 1/2 mile (sandy) dirt driveway. We loaded his gear and headed back down his driveway. Suddenly he ask me to stop and steps out of the truck. He steps out in front of the truck for a minute and is looking at the dirt that builds up in the center of sandy driveways. He jumps back in and says that he was trying to figure out what dug a nice little trench in the mounded dirt. I immediately knew and jumped out to rotate my trailer jack. Luckily it had no damage just very sandy.
Power Pro (50 & 65) for baitcasting and Berkley Fireline Ultra 8 (10 lb) on spinning. The Ultra 8 is strong, cast great, and behaves well on spinning tackle. It also handles abrasion better than the original Fireline also.
10 lb Berkley Ultra 8 Fireline Crystal to 6 - 10 lb FC leader. My ability to detects bites was greatly improved when I swapped to a braid mainline and twisted line isn't nearly as bad to deal with.
Yes and catch some nice bass over deeper underwater weedlines in the bright midday sun. I believe the bass get tucked back in the weeds and don't have time to get to the straight retrieved lures. Working it with short snatches and pauses up to 20 seconds gives them time to get out of the weeds. We do have 5' to 6' visibility on the lake this is effective on. Not so much on our murky lakes.
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