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Everything posted by GreenPig

  1. I hear ya. For many years I hunted and fished (freshwater) for everything legal in Georgia. Now it's just bass fishing with a handful of Bluecat trips a year. You shouldn't brag about a dope Japanese blade and not show us a pic.😀
  2. Excellent. I've just ordered some Sashimmys.
  3. I never envisioned wearing my duck hunting waders while dealing with cattle but here I am. Calf tried wading through a flooded bottom and got stuck.
  4. Spinning rod for a 1/16 - 1/4oz Shakey head with a 4 - 6" worm. Casting for anything heavier/longer.
  5. The SLX is no doubt impressive for the price.
  6. My Shimano Gravitators finally made it here. Received a few packs of Profound 14" Powerline Lizards in multiple colors.
  7. Tough place you're in brother. I have no answer for you. My father's COPD took his ability to drive when he didn't have the air to get to his truck.
  8. I handle every fish gently and I've never witnessed any ill effects anywhere including my pond fish.
  9. Excellent sir.
  10. Fine beginning of a Magnum Bubba Shot rig.
  11. Ga. only. PO says if I leave Georgia they'll get me and I ain't going back.
  12. I leave them in the bags. I'd never remember their name, size, COLOR, etc.
  13. Yesterday while fishing a pond in my 1236 Jon. Paddle to a spot, drop anchor, fish, and repeat.
  14. It's actually very simple if you - Go at the right time - To the right place - Pick the proper lure - In the correct size - Choose the correct weight - Color - Work your lure at the proper speed/tempo. Many fish too fast, and alot fish too slow. See, very simple if you do the above things while approaching stealthily so you can make your cast from the best angle. 30 - 40 trips in 2 years? You've got to to bump those numbers up.😄 I'd suggest you get a knowledgeable angler in the boat with you or go with them. Over 40+ years bass fishing and I learn something new every trip.
  15. Protein shakes, crackers, and plenty of water while on the water. I eat breakfast before the trip and immediately eat when I get home.
  16. Caught 24 yesterday on a 9 acre private pond with an 85 year backseat boater. First cast from the bank produced a Rat fish. I tied on my Pink Trick Shad because my buddy was catching them on pink Trickworms and it worked. It was a good trip, he caught the biggest at 4.05 lbs . A - Jay and Swamp Girl, I worked my Traps, Rear delts, Lats, and a bit of biceps while paddling us around.😆
  17. Dang! I was just about to PM you about fishing.😆 I agree with the old guys above. NO TRESPASSING signs are needed.
  18. It's hard to teach your girl to tie a SDJ knot when all she wants to is sleep.
  19. A school of bass blowing up on shad. The abrupt silencing of my running buzzbait.
  20. I wouldn't call it a big bait, but I catch alot on my Bull Wake.
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