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Breakwater Bouy

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About Breakwater Bouy

  • Birthday 08/03/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fayetteville, Ga
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    I don't have a favorite lake...I like the ones I can afford to go too...

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  • About Me
    I don't like talking about myself...I'm just a man who loves my family and build custom homes for a living. 

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  1. Welcome! to the forum... looks like I have to fish off the bank now just like old times...but it still will be fun! because I get to teach my wife the basics of fishing...if I can remember myself ?
  2. I appreciate the sound advice sir and I would check that out but I have to sell the boat. I had an agreement with the wife that if she didn't like the boat I would sell it and find something else we can enjoy together...we can still fish from the banks though
  3. Well, I thought I would update this thread with the outcome of my lake test this past Monday 5/13/19 The trailer tows the boat nicely and the bearing were good. We (my wife and I) got to the lake at about 11:30 am ish and got the boat launched. I flooded the carbs while trying to start the outboard on the lake for the first time(Nervous I Was)..after clearing out the excess fuel she fired up!, so I pushed off from the dock put it in Forward and and slowly got out of the no wake zone. With the engine running good and no warning buzzards of any type sounding off...I said to my wife "Hold On! it's all or nothing..so I hammered down on the control throttle..the bow went up in the air and with a few seconds she was on plane. I started to trim the engine to maximum position however the tiny temporary trim switch I have (that's not mounted into the control throttle) was a bit confusing to use. I had to look at the engine to see which way was trim Up and Down...well I finally got the the hang of it for the 30-40 minutes we were on the water. The outboard produced good power, no misfiring, no overheating, no warning buzzards and with a 15-20 mph headwind gust I managed to get 40-42 on the mph gauge and she ran good and boat road really will across the whitecaps. I had 2 issues..(1)- the outboard wants to turn the bow to the right (I believe is a torque tab adjustment) (2)- needs the correct trim switch that mounts into the control throttle. Well, given that information about my test day...my wife and I have decided to sell the boat...she really don't like it much and I need to respect her wishes(We decided before I purchased the boat that if she don't feel conformable in it for any reason...we would sale it).. .I 'm hoping someone who buys this boat would fall in love with it and take good care of it. I do have it advertised for sale, but for a buyer I will have to test it in a tank at home I would like to thank y'all for all the help and info that has been freely offered pics of that test day 5/13/19
  4. Well, I took next week off and I'm going to the lake next Monday:) darn it
  5. that looks really nice!! and I'm familiar with Psalms 118:24 and even know a song that goes with that psalms
  6. Mr Jones sir I will do the testing as you describe and I'm also going to bring my huge carry on tool box just in case I need to do some unforeseen maintenance on the engine while I'm out testing I had plans again to go to Lake Jackson tomorrow, however it's gonna be storming here and I'll just have to wait for another day...but one day I will finally get it wet
  7. now, today I decided to change the spark plug on the outboard this evening after I got homw from work to take my stress level down a few notches I will post the pics of the old ones I pulled out and if someone can possible evaluate them I would appreciate it! They appear to be a bit oily on the threads and of course a bit of black wet fouling on the electrode, leads me to believe that I'm getting too much oil possible through the carba? I do get a lot of smoke once started up cold...it's been a long time since I have work on a 2 stroke outboard engine These photos are not the best clarity. I'M trying to learn my new iphone after using Android for 15 yer
  8. I know how you feel when you got the results of your first testing..and the emotional stresses it brings on you and the family including the financial burdens that have to be dealt with, however once the testing turns out to to be inconclusive no one repairs you for how to feel after that either but I'm sure that you felt on top of the world at that point...I'm not sure anyone could prepare anyone with news of that nature. I will say that your one of the lucky ones and my Dad was not...but we are all still above the dirt and live each day to the fullest because we're not promised tomorrow...we just have faith that it will come! Thanks for sharing your story with me and it brings some comfort to me in more ways than one
  9. I may and it's just possible I will have to sell this boat---Doctor appointment yesterday was somewhat depressing. I will at lease check out the other item Way2slow mentioned and get her out on the water for a test..then I will decide
  10. any update? on the troubleshooting of this issue
  11. How do I properly decarb the engine and what product really work for this? How do I bump the HP back up to the 135? ...( my thoughts --adding higher compression heads from another OMC and different carbs?) thanks
  12. any update? I'm just curious to know what progress was made with the troubleshooting
  13. yes sir, I will check that out this weekend and update this thread of my findings.. Thanks for the troubleshooting procedure on the tach
  14. Well, I finally got to troubleshoot the charging system on my outboard today (yesterday was yard work:). My first phase of troubleshooting started with disconnecting all the battery terminals from the battery. I then started locating all my engine grounds. I then removed each bolt and ring connectors and used a dremel tool with wire wheel, to removed all the corrosion from the ring connectors (both sides), block boss and bolts. I did this for all the grounding points on the engine block. My second phase of troubleshooting started with removing all the wiring harness wire ties (all ring terminals connected at this point to respective component) and getting the old electrical tape removed that was wrapped by the PO, cleaned all the sticky off the wires. I then separated all the wires and checked the insulation along the length of each wire looking for any dry rotted insulation, nicks in the insulation that could cause a short and found none. My third phase of troubleshooting started with checking all the electrical components ring terminal (that have those) for any signs of looseness and corrosion. I went first to the electrical terminal block and started at the top removing the ring terminal from the component wires, and using wire wheel to clean the ring terminals and mounting plate. I did this for each terminal and also check for any looseness of the wire connected to the ring terminals. I then reconnected all them. My forth phase of troubleshooting started with the starter solenoid. I removed the first locking nut (it was snug but over tighten) and removed the wire ring terminals and checked for any corrosion on the ring terminals and there was some, so I wire brushed it off of both sides and checked the ring connectors for looseness and the were all tight. I then started to remove the 2nd locking nut and it was loose...and there were 2 wire ring connectors under that locking nut- The 1st ring terminal being Bat + and the 2nd ring terminal came from the Rectifier/Regulator (I thought maybe I just found my charging issue--keeping fingers crossed!) so I check them both for corrosion and wire brushed them off and the ring terminals were tight to the wires. I then reconnected all of them My fifth phase of troubleshooting started with taking a voltage reading on the battery and it was @ 12.78 V. I then reconnecting the battery cables to the battery terminal with nuts (not wing nuts) . I then put my plug in the container that I use to test run the outboard in and filled the container with water. I went to the fuel line primer bulb and pushed fuel into the carbs until the primer bulb was firm. I went to connect the kill clamp inserted the key into the switch and turned it to start the engine...she fired right up and was pumping water strongly. I then took a reading of the battery Voltage and it was at 12.78 so I let the engine run for 5 minutes at about 1500 rpms (my rpm gauge doesn't work so I went by ear on that) I checked the battery voltage again for the 2nd time engine running and to my surprise (my fingers were crossed) and I got 13.1 V I then continued to let the engine run for another 10m and rechecked the battery voltage for the 3rd time and I got 13.88 Wow I think I fixed it !!!!?? Now I believe the charging system is fixed at the moment and the overheating issue I had a while back is fixed..I ran the engine at idle today for a total of 40m and no issues with battery voltage or overheating. I feel now some what confident that I'm ready to go for a lake test...but before I do I will put new spark plugs in and run the engine a few times more. I do appreciate all the input and advice from you folks.. I will update this thread again if things don't work out, however I'm thinking positive on this one
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