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About dsw1204

  • Birthday 12/04/1957

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cincinnati, OH
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Local ponds or the Greater Miami River.

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  • About Me
    New to fishing...well, I've been out of it for 40 years, so, yeah, I'm new to fishing.

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  1. I have always thought it was better to have a higher-end reel than a higher-end rod. But, I am reconsidering this idea. I know it’s probably better to have equals, here. But, if you were putting more money into one or the other, is it better to put the money into the reel or rod?
  2. Thanks, that’s very reassuring.
  3. Well, I purchased a spinning reel and it is not what I thought I was going to get. I splurged a little bit and purchased a Diawa Ballistic MQ LT 2500D - XH. This is probably overkill for my bank fishing activities for bass (largemouth and smallmouth), but I have fished with it a couple of times and it is unbelievably smooth. I like it!!! And, I like how light it is. I have heard that some Diawa reels have an issue with the handle getting loose and making some noise. I’m betting this will not happen to this reel. We shall see.
  4. It’s been a while since I last posted. I’m not the most experienced fisherman. I’m just finishing up my fifth fishing season and I want to add a third spinning reel to my collection. I have been looking at a Diawa Tatula MQ LT, a Lews Hypermag, and an Abu Garcia Revo SX. I would be very interested in hearing what you fellow (and more experienced) fishermen have say about these three spinning reels. I am sticking with spinning reels because I haven’t picked up the knack of casting well with baitcasters and I really don’t like the feel of the reel being above the rod. I appreciate your input in advance.
  5. I am currently visiting in the Tampa area. Are there any Peacocks around this area?
  6. Didn’t find any live crawdads, today. But, I did see a very decayed and very large portion of a skeleton of a crawdad. I dropped my keys next to it to show scale. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of the skeletons all around. I also did see lots and lots of raccoon tracks in the mud. They are the ones that must be causing all of those skeletons.
  7. Here’s a pic of one of the crawdads. It is the only one I have, currently. I will try to get some better pics later.
  8. I took a picture but the file size is too big and I cannot download it to show you guys. I will have to go out and get some more and take pics that are smaller file sizes. I may have been exaggerating about how wide the crawdad was, but it was very wide. Maybe it was half as wide as my hand. Maybe. But, I was not exaggerating about the length of the crawdad. I’ll try and see if I can find some tomorrow.
  9. I am fine with the fishing regulations with live bait, just can’t have more than a hundred of them. A friend of mine said they may have been transplanted from Louisiana, because of their color. That doesn’t matter. I just know that there are lots of them and that they are pretty darn large. I’ve seen YouTube videos of anglers fishing with crawdads. And their crawdads were considerably smaller than the ones that I am talking about. I just think they may be too big for bass to eat. Am I wrong? I hope so, I would like to start fishing with them. But, I also don’t want to waste my time if they are too big. If I do use them, would pulling off their pinchers improve my chances of catching bass? Or, is that just cruel to do?
  10. I found a pond that looks very promising to fish. It looks pristine and there’s tons of cattails. There’s just not a lot of access. However, I have fished it a few times without even a bite, not even once. There are, however, tons of crawdads. And I mean lots, and lots of them. I can’t walk 10 feet without almost stepping on skeletons of them. And, they are quite large! At least, I think they are large. They are about the size of my hand and I wear an extra large glove. When I say they are the size of my hand, that’s NOT including the pinchers. And, they are almost as wide as my hand. I have never fished with live crawdads. I have seen videos on how to hook them up, but I’ve never done it myself. My concern is, are these crawdads too large? They are a dark red/purpleish color, just to let you know. I can easily catch them. But, should I be looking for a smaller crawdads? What do you guys think?
  11. I live in Southwest Ohio and I don’t have to worry about gators and venomous snakes, for the most part. Once a year, I visit my mom in Florida. And practically every morning, early in the day, I go bank fishing. I see alligators all the time. They have never bothered me. I am more concerned about the snakes. So, I bought a pair of snake boots. This keeps me worry-free from the snakes (at least from the venomous ones)…unless I run across a big python. And, I’m not too worried about that. So, I say, buy some snake boots and just keep your head on a swivel for the gators. You should be good to go.
  12. There is a creek that runs right by it. Don’t know if it connected to it, although. I will have to take a walk by and see if it is.
  13. There is a new pond in my area (Cincinnati metro). I discovered it just recently. It may be a year old, it may be two years, I’m not sure. It looks like a retention pond for an office complex that is currently being built. It’s a pretty decent size pond although I could not tell you how many acres it might be. It looks to be maybe 500 yards long by two or 300 yards wide. That’s just a guess. What are the odds that there might be fish in this pond?
  14. Okay, I got my oil, grease, and bearing lube. What I forgot to get is a cleaner. Would isopropyl alcohol work as a cleaning agent? Or, must I get a specialized cleaner for fishing reels?
  15. Okay, guys. Thanks for all the input. I think I will get the Ardent Reel Butter Grease, the Ardent Reel Butter Oil, and the Ardent Reel Butter Bearing Lube. I am going to start off just doing the basic lube job on my reel. Is everything I mentioned above sufficient to do the job? Or, is the bearing lube not required for the basic lube job?
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