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About Mr.Jackson

  • Birthday 07/08/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Cowan Lake,GMR River

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  • About Me
    I'm addicted to fishing.

Mr.Jackson's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. Looking for some suggestions from anyone who consistently catches River smallmouth at night or in muddy water.Those seem to be my biggest weakness.I can catch a none or a couple in those conditions but never enough to find a go to bait or pattern.I usually will throw a black/chart 1.5 square bill,a black/blue jig or Texas rugged black blue Rage craw.Thanks in advance.
  2. I have the same problem.Ive broke quite a few new rods lately.I keep them all in rod socks and rod holders on the wall while not fishing.Most guys say it's my fault but a fishing rod should be able to handle fishing.One rod I can land a 10+ pound catfish on and then the next rod snaps on a 1 pound bass.Its very frustrating.
  3. Man you guys got my wheels spinning about these 4 inch ring worms!Im gonna have to try some now.
  4. I love wade fishing for smallmouth.Usually do a 2 mile stretch.Then walk the road back to the truck.My boys love it.
  5. 3.25-5 inch swimbaits in the big river. TRD Crawz in the creeks.
  6. After checking out the pyramid Bass Pro and eating some chicken at Gus's.We fished the large pond behind Chick-Fil-a for about 2 hours today.The Water was muddier then I expected.But that's pretty normal conditions for my part of Ohio.My son threw a ned rig and Texas rigged craw bait..I threw a jig,square bill, and swim bait.Not a bite.Nice looking pond but for some reason they just weren't hungry today.You guys have a pretty cool city.Thanks for the help and Goodluck this season.
  7. Thank you sir.Ill give them a whirl.
  8. Hello fellas.Me and my family will be headed to Memphis tomorrow night.Wete gonna be there a few days and the weather forecast is looking good.Im going to throw a pole or 2 in the car with hopes to wet a line while we are there.Its been 5 months since I caught a fish and it's overdue.Any suggestions on a place near Memphis to catch a bass?Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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