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Daniel Abram

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Everything posted by Daniel Abram

  1. Thanks a lot
  2. I found the answer 5. https://lakerecord.net/2018/01/02/alabama-rig-regulations-a-state-by-state-breakdown. Nice website here has all the States.
  3. In West Virginia what are the restrictions on the number of hooks on a Alabama rig?
  4. Is there any apps or websites to go to or down load that has a listing of water temps at different lakes? Probably not but was just wanting to ask.
  5. They have some good videos on YouTube.
  6. That is one thing I am not sure about. Maybe the plotter tells where you have been. But my fishing partner is really up to speed on all this I will as him and get back to you.
  7. I have this same unit. But got mine new. I love it. Works really well. Got it last year
  8. Thank you I sent him a message I really appreciate it.
  9. I like mike iaconelli. But a up coming guy to watch is mark Daniel's jr
  10. Going to moomaw lake in VA Friday. Has anyone been there this year. If so what are the lake conditions. Water temp ? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. I know this post is a old one from. What I can tell. Is there any way I can purchase one of these pools? I am a disabled veteran of operation desert storm. I would love to have one if they are still available. Thanks for any info.
  12. U.S. ARMY veteran of operation desert storm.
  13. Has any one on here ever fished on plum orchard lake pax wv. I am going there tomorrow and want to know if anyone could give any tips.
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