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Daniel Abram

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Everything posted by Daniel Abram

  1. I always thought the offical was there to make sure you fellow the rules. If he is cheating on the water would not that be hard to do with the boat offical there. Not to mention the camera man. If he is cheating that much then he must be paying someone to look the other way. And I'm sure maybe some might but not all. IMO if he has been cheating. He had a lot of his boat officals helping him or he wouldn't get by with it. And not to offend anyone. IMO gray area is not cheating.
  2. Well I am going to fish anyday I can go when temperature is above 40. Hope it's a lot lol
  3. If you could spend one day on the water with a pro who would it be? Mine: Edwin Evers
  4. Thanks so much!!!! I will be using these very soon. Like right after Christmas lol if I like them as good as I think I will be ordering some.
  5. I make 3 lol
  6. Shipping mine out Monday!!!!
  7. That's what I have heard. It was my 1st one on a jerk bait. It was a SM.
  8. Well after today I love jerk bait for winter fishing. Caught my PB 16" 2 1/2 or so lbs.
  9. This past October was heading on a week long trip with my dad. It is 6 hrs to where we are going. So dad said let's pack and hook the boat up the night before. Having lived here 48 years didn't think twice. Guess what? Went to leave at 6 am. Made a check that everything one the boat was ok. And all my tackle was gone. Even cut off tackle from my poles. Left everything else. Needless to say I have insurance now. May never need it again. But $36 a year is well worth it.
  10. My best friend and fishing buddy owns a fish Jersey co. He is all the time making me a Jersey with all the brands I use. Even made one for me being a veteran. He makes and sells lots of them. And anytime I am on my boat I have one on.
  11. It is still doing really well. I am very pleased.
  12. I would have loved too. But I am a few post shy. Maybe next year.
  13. Thanks Glen!!
  14. Say you put a bullet weight on then tie on your hook. What’s some ways to peg the weight down close to the hook?
  15. I am looking to join a bass club in southern West Virginia. Anyone know who to talk to?
  16. I have a 1986 16’ ranger 320v. It needs clear coat redone. I was told that it maybe cheaper and better looking to just do a wrap. I know a good wrap can last 5 - 10 years from what I can find out. Not sure about clear coat. Boat will be cover and out of the weather except when fishing. Do you all have and pros or cons to both of these ideas? And help with my decision would be great thanks in advance
  17. At what wind speed do you stay off the water? I never fish in storms but how high do winds get when you say enough?
  18. Is anyone going to the East TN fishing show & expo in Knoxville TN this up coming weekend jan 23rd -26th? If so I will be working in BBA jerseys both 45. If so come look us up. Thanks
  19. well we are here wish me luck
  20. Ok I was wandering do most of you guys keep all your tackle on your boat in storage compartments of in tackle bags/boxes? Or a little or both?
  21. just found a youtube video on it, it controls tension on the shifter
  22. So is my knob just there and not hooked up? My motor is a 1986 evinrude that has a starter is not a pull start. I looked at a on line owners manual and it doesn't talk about it it is a v4 two stroke eng
  23. Its on a 1986 ranger 320v. 115 evinrude. it is built in from the factory. Its just below the shifter where the key goes in at. all the old timers i have talked to said it was for fuel mixture, I was just wanting to know. my boat does run a little rough after it warms up. and they ask if i adjust that knob. i was wanted to make sure what it was before I fooled with it. thanks
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