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About HUNTER19

  • Birthday 04/19/1988

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  • Location
    Spokane WA

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. if so I would love to talk to ya shoot me a pm if possible thanks.
  2. Its a really cool idea. They have one on my flyfishing forum and you can waste your more of your life on it lol!!!
  3. Just wondering if anyone could draw really well such things like fish and of people holding fish? let me know... thanks
  4. LMAO!!!
  5. i love those things we had to watch a lot of them in my psychology class!!! ;D
  6. HAHA! Happens I to me way to often!!!!!! I can't do my homework around a computer between this site youtube and a few others the 15 min breaks turn in to hour.. hour and a half... sometimes two... :-?
  7. here is a Nice B run my buddy caught!!
  8. I'm addicted to steel head fishing. last weekend we drove a few hundered miles because the river that we usually fish the flows were way to low. Anyway the river that we fished was probably 15 feet wide and the steel head were stacked in there me and two of my buddies caught 7 and hooked probably 12 in about and hour and a half anyway we were using 5wt and it was a blast!! the fish were small A runs!! If anybody has the chance to fish a steel head with a fly rod i would highly recommend it!!!
  9. That was an amazing interview I wish all interviews were that good!!! great job Glenn!!!
  10. Well, that may explain some of your problems there buddy : Nothing wrong w/ putting the fishing banners beside the beer and women....show off the things that make ya happy LOL That was well put very well put couldn't of put it any better :'(
  11. Don't need posters when you have the real thing!!! Actually when the ladys do come over they get upset with the half naked girls thats why those ones are in the room not the living room! I never said there where no beer ones already But i will have to try ebay I didn't even think of that one good call!!
  12. thats a bummer!!!! I didnt think liberty would still be iced over :'( I'll have to find something else to do now :-[
  13. That would be fun!!!!!! Actually I was the one with the noisy music. I never thought it was that loud but its the bass really travels through the walls. My neighbor came over and very nicely said hey shut the @%#%# up..I never turned it down all i did was turn the sub down and never have heard again form him.... ;D
  14. Thats a sweet deal but I dont have a color printer dont think it would look to nice!!
  15. tried cleaned out already
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