Now a days I lie all the time, at least when I am at my favorite little hidden gem. I will just have caught 4-5 large bass and someone will walk up and ask me about my luck, and as hard as it is not to shoot off at the mouth about how great the fishing is I usually reply with something like, "it's been tough" or "meh, 1 or 2 dinks".
See, I learned a little lesson this spring. After some kid found our spot while hiking through the woods I shared a little knowledge and some lure recommendations. He has a bit of success and proceeds to tell everyone in his school and their moms about the spot. Since then things just haven't been the same. Between the litter, dead snapping turtles with theirs shells smashed with rocks, and dead carp shot with pellet guns I am no longer providing any help to any strangers about how to catch bass. I hope they think its as baron as Mono Lake as far as I'm concerned.