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About Trs

  • Birthday 11/23/1961

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  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River

    So many hard to choose.

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  • About Me

    My drug of choice—- Bass fishing

    Retired U.S.Coast Guard

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Fry (1/9)



  1. MickD: you are right about versatility and my weight range going beyond what I posted, good input. I purchased a rod kit from mud hole to practice on plus have several broken rods that I will remove the guides and reinstall.. all casting rods. Batson: Believe it or not I have been on the site often and the Immortal series has my intrest and in the near future you will be getting a call. As for the rods you listed I’ll have to get on the site and study, the crank rod I would lean to a 7’ 3 or longer. I know The guides have a lot to do with the distance plus how the rod will load up on the cast. Thus the phone call. Again these will all be casting rods for myself, tired of the rods that I purchased here lately either on line or from a store and not holding up. Thank you all for the information.
  2. Hello, A lot of good info on this site. It’s been about 25+ years since my last build so yeah new to building. First I like a 7’3 to 7’6 length for most of my fishing, been looking for a good sensitive blank for applications listed below also maybe using the Winn grips with Quality guides. Been looking at the Hydra,Point Blank,Hmx , I would like to stay with a U.S. manufacturers. I also looked at NFC but it seems like they are way behind in shipping and customer service maybe in time. Just like to get some suggestions,thoughts. Worm rod-Texas rig,all around worm rod 3/16 to 1/4 weight , #12 to #15 Crank rod - squarebill Crank rod- 7 ‘ divers. Carolina rig Spinnerbait / chatter bait Frog Look fwd to your recommendations Thank you
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