Hello, A lot of good info on this site. It’s been about 25+ years since my last build so yeah new to building.
First I like a 7’3 to 7’6 length for most of my fishing, been looking for a good sensitive blank for applications listed below also maybe using the Winn grips with Quality guides. Been looking at the Hydra,Point Blank,Hmx , I would like to stay with a U.S. manufacturers. I also looked at NFC but it seems like they are way behind in shipping and customer service maybe in time.
Just like to get some suggestions,thoughts.
Worm rod-Texas rig,all around worm rod 3/16 to 1/4 weight , #12 to #15
Crank rod - squarebill
Crank rod- 7 ‘ divers.
Carolina rig
Spinnerbait / chatter bait
Look fwd to your recommendations
Thank you