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Everything posted by Hudspace

  1. That does set my mind at ease just a bit, thanks!
  2. Maybe call around, if you can find one cheaper, Academy’s policy is that they will not only price-match, but they’ll take an additional 5% off. But if it makes you feel better, I have a repair to do on this one before i’m comfortable putting it in the water. Hopefully you won’t have the same experience.
  3. Shard_Hunter my local Dicks had one on sale for $419 and I got Academy to price-match it. That price wasn’t advertised on Dick’s website, so when the Academy store manager called Dick’s to verify the price, they said it was a discontinued item, hence the sale price.
  4. That was kind of you, thank you. I may do that. I actually ended up returning the boat to Academy in order to exchange it for the other one they had. Would you believe it, that one had the exact same issue... not quite as bad though. This one doesn’t actually appear to be a hole in the hull...just in the black trim where the upper and lower halves meet. I still wasn’t keen on buying the boat with a defect and I was about to just ask for a refund, but then the manager offered to take another $100 off the purchase price. In the end I just couldn’t pass on that, pretty much a brand new boat with what I HOPE is just a cosmetic flaw, for $329 out the door.
  5. Hi everyone. First post, and i’m a little embarrassed. I just bought a new Bass Raider 10e, and feel like I got a pretty good deal on it. $420 at Academy after price matching one on display at Dicks. That said, I got it loaded up on the trailer and discovered a hole where the black plastic seal joining the upper and lower halves has worn. Hence the embarrassment; I can’t believe I didn’t catch this before I agreed to buy it. Anyway I pointed it out to an employee of the store but in the end I decided to bring it home because it’s the only one they had and I’ve been waiting a while. Thought I could repair it. Thinking about it on the ride home...i’m not sure what to do. If I try to repair it, whatever warranty is on it will be voided. I could try to exercise the warranty if there is one, though I’m not sure how to do it; the folks at Academy didn’t seem to know much about that. I could just take it back and hopefully do an exchange when they get another one in. Or I can attempt a repair. After reading this whole thread, it’s clear that there are some really smart people on this forum. Hoping some of them will chime in...
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