I've been there, the whole '' spoonplugging '' experience, hook, line and sinker.
I was a complete devotee to buck perry's '' teachings '' ( 1974 --80 ) until I woke up to the scam it is. Buck nor any other spoonplugger ever proved with irrefutable evidence ( videos, not pictures ) that fish spend 95 % of their time in deep water '' sanctuaries '' ( 35 ft. or so ) and for 10 to 15 minutes or so move up to '' contact points '', along deep water '' structure '' ( '' breaks and breaklines '' ) to '' scatterpoints '' and then into the shallows.
Modern technology has verified that bass, and all other game fish, do not make drastic depth changes ( it would kill them ) and are not bottom fish, for the very most part, feed up rather than down ( look at the position of their eyes ( top of their head )... in fact, perry was wrong on everything -- even his definiton of '' structure '' was wrong. Structure is anything different from the surrounding area and is not always deep -- a tilted stump in a bunch of upright stumps in 1 ft. of water is structure. Gamefish will gravitate to that stump because it is DIFFERENT from the others. Cold fronts do NOT drive them deep ( proven by the ' flipping '' technique ) that catches big fish holding tight to cover after frontal passages.
'' Speed and depth control '' ? Old timers figured out before perry that the speed and depth of your lures have to be controlled according to the moods of the fish... and perry left out the third part of that equation, '' strike zone '', how far they will move to take a lure.
Just remember, perry claimed spoonpluggers could make '' lunker catches '' from the casting position after all the work was done ( trolling, mapping and interpretation, evaluation of current weather and water conditions, etc. ) but he nor any other spoonplugger ever demonstrated proving such extraordinary claims.