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Everything posted by torm

  1. The new one feels very much like the victories. Its a lot lighter now and looks great. Not sure the sensitivity as I have not fished one. Anyone I know and recommended it has nothing bad to say about it though. I almost wanna say its probably worth picking it up over the mojos and even the premiers until both those rods gets redone.
  2. I mainly crank due to how impatient I am with plastics and I've been experimenting with some time now with braid to fluorocarbon, mono, straight fluoro, and straight braid. I get way more distance with braid. 30lb-40lb is the sweet spot with 30 being the lowest I would recommend anyone going unless your using a shallower spool baitcaster. Anything below that or above you will feel the distance lost. 20lb and lower you deal with line dig. Of course gear plays a huge role into this as well.
  3. Has anyone here ever use Airrus rods specifically the stargate one? It retails at 300 dollars so its kinda getting up there with the popular known brands. Kinda itching to get a heavy action rod and I do like to branch out, but that has backfired for me at times. Any opinions are highly appreciated.
  4. I got the 7'1 mh xf on a good deal and its a solid rod. I really like the visuals of it but it did not wow me like my other rods unfortunately. I like the ags guides but if you beat up your gear be careful. They don't bend like regular guides, instead they just snap. I was able to replace it at a cost of 15 dollars plus whatever I paid for shipping if I remembered right. I still don't think its worth its retail price though. If it was like the first gen price it would be amazing but at 660 your in the nrx price zone which has a life time warranty instead of 15 year.
  5. Feather rod is a great rod for the price. However everyone I known with one has broke it. I have the M1 med lt and its fun ned rig rod. Feels great too although the but handle gets very slippery with wet hands. Sensitivity is so so in my opinion.
  6. A lot of factors play into this which is why it is hard to help any type of fisheries in many states. Here are the ones off the top of my head caused by anglers: Pressure, poaching, fishing for the 1 man or party limit every trip, new boom of anglers, not knowing or keeping up with regulations, technology, and probably more. Working at a bait shop up here in WI I can gladly say majority of people here fish to eat regardless of age, although more popular in the old timers than young. Its hard to find trophy fish of any kind up here unless your out every day, so the majority of those guys that do find that trophy fish just ends of mounting it. I can safely say if a bass is 5lbs and up its getting mounted. Poaching is another big thing up here too which the DNR can't do anything about unfortunately.
  7. Im not sure why but a lot of curado dcs feel weird out of the box. Once you break it in though it does feel better, also under load feels better too.
  8. I might have to end up ordering that, how did you get your bearing out? I've been pushing on what I think is the bearing and its lodged in there. My vanford, I was able to open it and it popped right out after I pushed it with some force.
  9. I put oil on it, ran it over with a cue tip, and it unfortunately sounds the same. Even took off the screws wiped everything and oiled it and its still the same so I'm assuming the bearings is bad now. Still can't get it out though so I may have to order a bearing removing tool. Tried looking up videos to see if someone tore one apart but can't seem to find any either unfortunately.
  10. Okay! So I wasn't being picky then. I do wanna take it to a repair shop but right now majority of them is booked with orders so I do kinda want to try fixing it myself. A line bearing doesn't seem to hard to fix from what I've seen but the issue is I just can't seem to get the bearing out of the stella like my vanford. My vanford easily popped out after just applying a bit a pressure, but the stella is in there good if its a bearing in there.
  11. Hey everyone, just picked up a stella 2018 3000 and spooled it up with 8lb fluorocarbon. Everything felt fine at first until I gave it a test cast. When reeling with tension at the end it makes a loud scratching noise instead of being quiet. My buddy thought it was the line creases that were in the fluoro but I put on braid and it still makes the same noise. I'm pretty positive its the line roller bearing because my vanford had the same issue after a couple of months of using it. I was able to fix that one because I was able to get out the bearing with a screwdriver and replaced it with a new one. Seems like a simple fix but the Stella on the other hand, I have not been able to knock off the bearing for some reasons. Am I being picky or is there something wrong with my stella? I tried to upload a file on here so others can hear it to diagnose it easier but it seems I can't.
  12. You are one of the few then. I haven't giving it a go yet but thats like the number 1 hated color among the people I know. Normally I would think everyone telling me that is lying to me to keep it a secret lol but unfortunately I have fished with them and seen it myself. Small mouth wise it hasn't been too bad but largemouth wise, you're better off with green pumpkin.
  13. Black and blue, Red, and blue gill have never work good for me. I'll get maybe 1 bite after that none. Another surprisingly color is june bug. That color just plain out DO NOT WORK in Wisconsin. I've heard of many anglers trying to make that color work for years but having no luck with it.
  14. Plenty of ways actually. One way is to simply set your rod up with the reel and tie a weight. Pitch it on the floor or wherever and reel back. If you hear a scratchy noise then its bad. Another way is to take a rubber band or cue tip and simply just run it under the area to see if you hear any loud noises. You can ONLY hear it if there is tension at the end of the line as having no tension on the reel, will be silent even if you have a bad roller bearing. Looked at my vanford again and when reeling by itself it does make somewhat of a noise but it isn't enough to bother me. Played with many vanfords in stores and it seems to be normal honestly. It doesn't seem like its a completely silent reel. Unfortunately I have no idea what causes that.
  15. I am mainly a BC fisher so the Vanford was the first spinning reel I've own so I cannot speak of other models. As far as that scruff noise mine was making it after I hit a certain point of rotation but it was more like a click noise. My issue was and just happened again, is the roller bearing going bad. First time I oiled it which got it to be quiet but recently it went bad again. This time no amount of oil is helping it so that means I gotta replace it. As far as my buddies vanfords they had initials scruffs but they said theirs went away within use and cleaning.
  16. No it is not but it is a year warranty. Bass fishing by me is gonna end soon and I won't be doing it as much when the full salmon run is on so hopefully I can figure out why soon. Worst comes I just exchange it for another, might already do so since I'm pretty sure my audible drag isn't right.
  17. I bought a shimano antares 2012 from them for 270. Besides a few scruffs the reel was smooth as ever. Even then those scruffs were barely noticeable. Like said before shipping is high. Definitely recommend if your looking for used gear.
  18. It would be nice if they told who made it but it seems they are keeping it a secret for now. Does say its made in Korea on the box. I luckily managed to get out for two trips with the 200 BC and the spinning reel. Caught a couple of bass on the 200 BC cranking and jigging. 12lb fluorocarbon is spooled on and as expected the sound of the line with tension drowns out the audible drag. Nonexistent literally. For the few who wants to hear drag ripping stay away from the 200 unless I got a bad one. Casting wasn't an issue although I didn't do anything light or heavy. Stayed between 3/8-3/4oz. I did notice my thumbar and reel locking up a couple of times no idea why as I've never had an issue with any of my other reels like this and most of my fishing is done one 90% BC. Need more time on the water to see why. Spinning reel did fine on bass but like I said it is kinda weird fishing with such a heavy reel with on finesse application. Might just be me but it reminds me of fishing with my daiwa fuego 4000 even though its labeled as 2000. Here is the bad news for the guys that like to use their reels for multiple species or looking for one reel to do everything. One of the trips was a salmon trip. Got none on the BC but I did manage to hook and land a 17lb king. The spinning reel now feels like its been though a couple of seasons with a little bit of that grind to it. Now I know most of you guys won't be using it for salmon but for those guys who use it for power fishing or fishing in areas where you can hook a big one, probably should think twice. Even guys who only wanna buy one reel and use it for everything should take caution. I didn't hog it in either, let the fish tired itself out to test the drag. Smooth drag though, no clunkiness. Again, not an expert but here are my experiences so far with my two trips. BC is solid for now but besides audible drag being nonexistent. Spinning reel does fine for bass but kinda concern now on hooking onto fish that will test your reels durability or stress it out.
  19. Hi everyone, this is my first impressions for these reels just incase anyone wanted some more info on these because it seems like there really isn't any. I am by no means a reel expert so if anyone expects tear downs, that won't be happening as I do not trust myself for which I apologize. This a not a final review as I have not even casted it yet or even put line on it yet. Baitcaster first! Got the series 1 BC in the 100 and 200. 100 is left and 200 is right. Fairly light reel, not the lightest but lighter than the curados. The clicks for the drag star and tension knobs are very loud. The little line reminder on the side is nice but consider having a coin to turn it. It is possible to turn it with your nails if you have them long and strong enough, but you may end up having finger nails shavings in it lol. The audible drag is nice but a hit or miss. My 100 sounds loud and feels smooth but my 200 is the very opposite. It is VERY quiet and clunky. Not sure why that is but feel free to chime in. Box does not show line ratings. The case provided is very nice. The oil bottle that it comes with needs to be rethought asap! Looks nice and all but the little silicon cap does not prevent leakage. Slips off easy too. Both mine came in and the bottle was upside down drowning in its own oil. Not a biggie for me as I have plenty of reel oil myself but I can totally see people being tick if this happens to them. Spinning now. Kinda heavy. If you are looking for a light reel for finesse, I do not believe I would recommend this if you are willing to go up to like a Daiwa tatula. I know if you look at their number one review the guy compares it to a Penn and a stradic fl. While I have never fished the Penn, I am a proud owner of a stradic fl and the FL completely wipes this reel out. FL is a lot smoother. Will come back and compare the performance once I use this reel enough. The drag for the Kistler is a lot louder though. It does not feel like a real 2000. More like a 2500 or even a 3000 almost. It does have the anti reverse function for folks who likes that. The handle knob is a little big for my liking. Its smooth but not shimano smooth. I would even say if you spun a Daiwa fuego it feels very similar but that's just me. Solid reel though if you wanna do some heavy fishing with a spinning reel. Biggest thing though is that this reel is heavy. Overall impression is nothing special but nothing bad either. Hopefully this helps the few that were eyeballing them because of the current sale that is going on but are hesitant. I say for the sale price depending on how much reels you plan on buying, makes them worth it. I bought three and got it for $330 ish when the BC retail for $250 while the spin is $150. If your a fan of daiwa or shimano go with the Curado K or the Daiwa tatula SV. If your an abu or lews fan this reel isn't anything special besides the few quirks. Will update this if I remember in the future.
  20. From what I've noticed and experienced is that the a lot of the vanfords have a slight scruff or scratching noise out of the box. No idea why but all the vanfords I've played with had it. Two of my buddies were complaining about theirs making noise as well, probably what you got. One oiled it and got it silent while the other just fished with it until he broke it in I guess. Be careful on Vanford 2000s and below. I know plenty of people including myself with the roller bearing having issues with minimum use.
  21. I agree on this being better for the 6th sense Axis. I think that one may have too big of a wobble in my opinion. Combine that with lots of flash and you think you got a great combo, but my jabber jaw has consistently outperformed the Axis in one season compared to my two seasons with the Axis. Not gonna lie though I did smack a couple of good walleyes on the axis....
  22. Bump. Unfortunately the guy isn't giving me the specs so I can't provide any details in what model it is even. He says it feels more like a stiff med
  23. Has anyone ever fished these rods? If so how do they compare to other rod brands? Might be getting one as a trade for a st croix legend elite and was wondering if they were worth the value or was it just the megabass name that carried their price tag. Am I getting a better deal, good deal, or am I getting the shorter end of the stick here?
  24. torm


    I actually caught one smallie with it so far and from what I've notice with it, plus that video is that it might be a reaction bite bait. You either get one immediately becaused you threw it on top of a bass or you don't. Still a little early to do a full review on it but thats what I go so far. Not recommended as a serious bait but for fun sure!
  25. Cabela had this on sale a while back, possibly the month of november if I rememer right. Honestly I was not impressed. Opened ALOT of them out of the box and unless you oiled it, the regular president felt better. And yes unfortunatly Covid messed alot of things up in the industry with just people getting laid off and slowing down production. Certain big companys had productions shutdown for 8 months. The demand for fishing went up and no one can keep up with it now.
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