A few days ago I was working a large field of pads in about 1-1.5' FOW during fairly steady drizzle. At first I was using a toad over the top with no luck. Then I moved on to skipping a wacky senko to the holes between the pads . It was catching fish here and there (the bite overall was lousy) but getting snagged a lot. So, I switched to a texas rigged super fluke. That skipped well but I've never caught anything on a fluke so Imoved on after a few casts without a bite. I thought about pitching a texas rigged worm, which I have plenty of confidence in, but some of the best spots between the pads were really far away and it was much easier to skip. I got the idea that a Fat Ika texas rigged "backwards" (skirt up) would skip well, have decent action on the fall and wouldn't get hung up. I was right, but I still got no hits. Was there a better plastic I should have used for this application?