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  1. I am looking to do the same thing with my 2015 nitro z7. I’ve got a few questions though, did you have to drill new holes in your procise dek it mount for the GPS puck? I got my dek it mount in and it only has mounting holes for the puck on the sides, not front and back. Also, did you have to recalibrate your puck or anything? I’m moving mine from being mounted on the deck to on the mount and didn’t know if I needed to calibrate it again?
  2. That picture on my initial post is with everything off except for the unit. TM on or off, it looks like that. But that lead shield might need to be done to mine to solve the interference issues.
  3. That’s what I’m thinking just wanted some thoughts from guys that know more about fishing electronics than I do. I appreciate everyone’s help!
  4. I haven’t tried that, but I did take the unit By the TM and put it at the console today using the power wire and transducer goes to the unit at the console And the graph displayed the same clutter. I guess I’m just going to take it to the place that put the units in as well as my TM and have them figure it out.
  5. Do you mean the frequency? The only frequency I can use to have side imaging and down imaging with my unit is compact side imaging. The only thing that seems to make the clutter at the top of the graph better is changing the beam width. But even that doesn’t clear it up completely.
  6. I’m not 100% sure how it’s wired up but I do know that before I upgraded my 12V trolling motor to 24V trolling motor, my units were wired to my cranking battery. So when I upgraded trolling motors I had to add one battery. The same guys that installed my two units, installed my new TM. No I’m not 100% sure how it’s wired, but I’m almost positive that the units are wired to my cranking batteries. It doesn’t make sense to me why they would change how the units are wired when they install the new TM but You never know. I do need to swap the units and see if the interference shows up on the graph on that unit as well. Then I will know it’s not that unit that’s messed up.
  7. I’ve got a noise filter setting on my units and I’ve turned them all the way up and absolutely no change
  8. No that picture that is take is with everything off except for that unit. I’ve just did a scan of the batteries and didn’t see anything loose. I had these units put in by a place that sells boats and deals with this stuff on a regular basis. They’re the same ones that put my Minn Kota Terrova on as well. I may just have to take it back to them and have them figure it out. The only problem with that is putting the transducer in water to see what it’s doing in person.
  9. I’m needing some help determining what the problem is with my unit. I have 2 helix 7 si chirp gps g2 units. My unit at my console was working fine then I put a Terrova on my boat and had to add a third battery. I’m not sure if there is electrical noise in the power to my unit or what’s going on but the unit started showing junk in the first ten feet of my down imaging. If I speed up to like 5mph it will go away, but if I slow down then the junk re appears. I thought the transducer was messed up so I swapped them out with the transducer on my other unit that I had and it shows the same thing. I thought the electrical noise was in my transducer so I put my boat in the water and plugged my spare transducer in, ran the wire on the deck instead of running it beside all the other wires to eliminate any noise, and put that transducer right beside the mounted transducer and it showed this same thing. I’ve called humminbird, they haven’t helped me. They aren’t sure. I have the most updated software and that didn’t help. If anyone has any idea what could be going on and has any suggestions please let me know, it will be much appreciated!!
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