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The Shipley

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Everything posted by The Shipley

  1. I don't personalty like the taste of Bass enough to kill and eat my sport. But when it comes to Lake Catfish, Drum and Crappy. That is a difference question. I don't ever keep and kill pond fish. Most of our bass here in KS also have parasites that keeps me from eating them to. But to each man his own! I always tell myself the world record bass for many years was taken home and eaten by George Perry a 20 year old kid providing meat for his family. You just have to do what makes you happy. There are plenty of fish in the sea for everyone.
  2. Did the same thing last week!! It just makes the cabin fever for fishing worse!!
  3. Take a kid fishing and help him build memories. Fish more with old friends Join a local fishing club Fish in a tournament Fish more on Lakes and not Ponds Catch more small mouth bass Fish at least three times a week Work on making my own lures
  4. Just followed you!!
  5. Fishing is a learning journey that will take time if you want to get good. I remember an old pond I fished when I was about 8 years old. I would start off my day fishing in the shallows in the morning and then wound fish the west bank of the pond during the afternoon. This always worked for me. And I caught pools of fish for a young kid. I had no idea what I was doing and looked like a fool some days. If I knew how to set my Dad bait casting real I would of had more time to fish. Instead I was on the shore learning the art of picking out a tangled birds nest. But the short if you are getting out there consistently and you are trying. You will adapt, and you will learn. Years later did I learn the importance of water temps and feeding habits. Funny looking back that is why the fish were in those places. You will always benefit from a plan and knowledge when fishing. There are some people that are just in the right place at the right time. I don't call it luck. I call it experience and a investment on your sport of choice. Learning how to find bass and what will work, that is what makes you keep coming back over and over to learn more skills. PS - As far as messing up bait casting reals. I'm still working on it every trip. Some things never change.
  6. Bill Dance Jimmy Houston Hank Parker KVD George Perry
  7. "Deadpool" Wondering if there are an fish. or We are at maximum effort!!!
  8. I have been on a few fishing trips over the years and most people say about 10% - 20% of the fishing trip cost. For a multi day trip 10% - 20% might be kinda high. Regardless of the trip length, if the guide gets you a world class trophy or checks off something major on your bucket list you should really consider what that experience was worth. Guides are always working hard, but when they can deliver something special they deserve that extra recognition. Good luck on your trip!
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