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    Lake Guntersville

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  1. We tried out the boat yesterday after the wind died down some and had a blast even though we didnt catch anything. The 30lb thrust done a lot better than what we figured it would, its plenty enough for the fishing we do. We didnt have any grip tape and couldnt find any at walmart so we just put some gorilla tape on the rear transom mount and it worked perfectly and didnt slip any, it'll work for now until we can get some grip tape. The boat was also a lot more stable and handled all of our gear just fine. Short list so far is to make a simple dolly to take it down the boat ramp instead of carrying it by hand and trying to come up with some sort of rod holders.
  2. couldnt find any deals so me and my dad decided to go ahead and buy a bass raider from academy. had to pay full price but we know its brand new and has a warranty and i also picked up a 30lb thrust to keep cost down, plan is to find a 3 or 3.5hp outboard to put on it eventually so going 40/55lb seemed unnecessary. also bought a life jacket for me for $10 on clearance.
  3. just tried calling 6 dicks around me and not a single one has one in stock, such a bummer
  4. ahh nice, sucks for me though, only sporting store withing 40 minutes for me is academy and dunhams
  5. did academy have a sale going on for it to be $429? all i can see online is $640 and i was going to gift my dad a bass raider since he is wanting a small boat to fish out of and he also does a ton of pond fishing so i figured it would be a good boat to get him
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